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History of New Mexico Leather
& Alternative Communities

Overview Venues
Artisans • GroupsEvents

History is a foundation that helps us approach the future with more understanding.  Awareness of history helps us realize not just what came before us, but also understand how things have changed, are changing, what was attempted, successes, struggles, and the great time had by many in alternative lifestyle communities.  It reminds us that time passes by quickly and to be sure to be kind as you travel through your journey through these alternative communities.


Some artisans capture their vision of the Leather and Alternative Lifestyle communities, brining us the emotion and record of what they experienced. Other artisans create the tools we need or care for them. These are the New Mexico artists, authors, photographers, sculptors, leatherworkers, whip makers, etc., which contribute to our community in many ways.  We focus upon those  with substantial work or influence upon our communities.

Delmas Howe, The Martyred Angel
Delmas Howe


Delmas Howe (painter)

Delmas Howe, born in 1935, is a groundbreaking painter for the LGBTQ+ community; RioBravoFineArt is the sole representative of the work of Howe. He has a broad set of subjects including work on The Stations, Guys and Canyons, and Fresh Air.  His work is in the Albuquerque Museum and Leslie Lohman Museum: Leslie-Lohman Museum of Art in New York City.  He was influenced by leather and  kink communities from his time in the New York City art scene and also​ affiliation with leather organizations in New Mexico.  The Motorcyclemen of New Mexico (MMNM) were inspiration and models for The Stations series of paintings.  Friends and visits by the Albuquerque Leather Daddys to Truth or Consequences, NM inspired other paintings including The Martyred Angel that features Ruben Gallegos, Rex, and Bruce Warren Davis in the background and artist David Zaintz as the angel.  Some of Delmas' showings in Santa Fe were originally rejected due to their contents.


Sources: Delmas (interviews), Bear Mike, Bear Marvin, Pup Spike, Internet.

Delmas Howe, Marvin & Mike
Delmas Howe
Delmas Howe, Pup Spike
Delmas Howe, The Stations Series, <name of painting>
Delmas Howe, The Stations Series, The Gentle Executioner, 1997

1991 (publish date of Trust, The Handbook)

Bert Herrman (author)

Bert Herrman, considered one of the world's most respected experts on handballing, resided in the area of Mountainair, New Mexico - in the town of Tajique with his partner Guy Seiler.  He was the editor/publisher of "Trust/The Handballing Newsletter" and author of "Trust, The Handbook - A guide to the Sensual and Spiritual Art of Handballing," published in 1991.  Bert earlier resided in the Castro district of San Francisco.  Other works include  "Being • Being Happy • Being Gay," a leading book on budling gay/lesbian self-esteem and "Mountainair, N.M., Centennial History, 1903-2003."  He obtained a house in New Mexico for a fisting retreat.


The author created a retreat in Tajique, NM, intending to create a fisting retreat there.  After Bert passed away on a trip in Hawaii, Guy Seiler took ownership of this property and the copyright to the hand book.  The property is now an Air B&B, Casa Manzano.


Sources: Interent, Craig Dill (interview 25Aug2024), Guy Seiler (interviews, 27Sep24, ?).

Trust The Handbook - A guide to the Sensual and Spiritual Art of Handballing, Cover
Darla, owner of Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Meixco, Logo,
Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Meixco, Logo,


Darla (artist), Unseen Gallery

Darla, owner of Unseen Gallery, started as an artist in the 1970s  with formal training, living in Texas.  She moved to New Mexico in 1995, the year of the OKC bombing.  Darla was already immersed in various aspects of the community through various works  in fantasies and nudes.  This included work for gay magazines creating nude black & white images for Blue Boy and Off Hand magazines where she had to work under the pseudonym "Daral," an anagram of her real name.  Publishers appreciated her knowledge of accurate human anatomy but didn't want to let readers know the artist was female.  Darla also worked for Pagan magazines and provided illustrations for "Task Force Games."


She started engaging with AEL and found it was easier to overcome her agoraphobia because the consent-based culture of the alternative communities removed many concerns.  She met Stan and Kathryn Alexander in AEL and eventually made a portrait of Kathryn so these illustrations could be sold as small magnets by Kathryn for a fundraiser for her travels.  Kathryn was the first and many other such portraits of New Mexico Leather and Rio Grande Leather followed.


Another of Darla's artistic ventures were coloring books that started with dragon and unicorn themes.  The most popular coloring book was a FemDom focused “He Must Suffer” theme. She also had a pinup series, “Wonderful Women” and “Magical Men.”  


Darla attended multiple events as a vendor including Albuquerque Pride, Thunder in the Mountains (CO), NM Leather, Rio Grande Leather, and Black Leather Weekend.  She organized and held Eyegasm Erotic Art Shows starting in 2002 with the last being held in 2018.  They provided a venue for erotic and kinky art because local galleries would not show such material.  She advertised various ways including her website   Darla was featured in a Weekly Alibi article published on 16 October 2008 where she was trying to normalize nude and erotic art and stating that such restrictions were censorship in the "provincial" environment of Albuquerque. That Eyegasm Erotic Art Show opening reception was on Friday, Oct. 17, 2008 at the Sandia Courtyard Convention Center (10300 Hotel Circle NE). Her other work is displayed at Darla won the 2005 Outstanding community Service Award from Rio Grande Leather. 


Darla lives in Albuquerque with her husband, Nick.  They are both associated with the alternative communities.  Her work is shown at and she is available for customized artwork.  She attends community munches from time to time.


Sources: Darla (interview, 31Aug2024), Kathryn Alexander (interview 30Aug2024),,,, on (1998-2024), on (2002-2016), (2018-2024).

Portraits of titleholders of New Mexico Leather and Rio Grande Leather titleholders, by Darla, Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
"He Must Suffer" coloring book image by Darla, Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico,

"He Must Suffer" coloring book.

"Wonderful Women" coloring book image by Darla, Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Various artwork by Darla, Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico,

1998-2017, Xcentricities

​​"Xcentricities Corsets is a family affair. Ynhared is the designer and seamstress, her husband Daniel is the Fabric cutter and finisher, Sons Maron and Garryth help with grommets, lacing and sales and both Pugsly and Tobin (our service animals) offer supervision and support. Ynhared often refers to herself as an “Accidental Corsetiere”, slipping from the profession of jeweler to fashion designer due to, well, an accident. Really. At White Sands. ..." (2011). Xcentricities preceeded, and offered adult jewelry, nipple shields, penis rings, BDSM jewelry by Ynhared. This artisan made steel boned corsets for everyone, men and women with many​ different styles.  They would perform corset parties for hosts allowing friends and family to try on the styles.  Sufficient sales benefited the party host.


Daniel Erickson, known as Big Squeezer, "haunted the Albuquerque kink community since 1998 at the creation of his company Often claims he has too much education he’s known for engaging presentations on eclectic topics." <a> He was also director of membership for Albuquerque MasT.  â€‹â€‹In 1999 and after, hosted a side page by Bigsqueez (Daniel), also an author, with man-on-man stories:

  • Captain Dynamo - Ray never learned much about life away from the farm before Mother died. All he knew about men was what he heard on the radio. It's the 1950s and Ray would like to meet a hero, for real.

  • Third String - A football player finds that he and his men are being watched, closely and intimately. This story of justice and just-us has sparked comments. Let me know what you think.

  • Varmit - New this month, Kevin has had a bad accident and fights for his life in the Idaho wilderness. A creature he has never even knew about hunts him and his only hope lies in his strength and wits...and some big help.

  • Ecliptic's Echo - Science fiction murder mystery. This piece was written by request. A man you may know as Ribcrusher7 asked me to write a down-n-dirty fight in a wild place people have never seen before. Introducing the Seekers, the Port Athority special investigator's of the Solar System in a plot filled with wild fighting, huge men, and a twist ending. Seeker Sagittarius is looking for the man that killed a close friend and must dig it out of the thoughts of a dead man.

  • Why the Tall Guy Dances - Ever drive past an apartment in the middle of the week on no day special and wonder why there seems to be a loud party going on? Sometimes there is.


Sources: on (2001-2017), on (2015) <a>, on (1999-2006). 



Gear Werks (leathersmith, vendor)

Gear Werks is a leathersmith and vendor established in 2001 by JD (James Smith), and eventually included Wade.  Gear Werks had a shop within Sidewinders at 8900 Central Ave SE for many years in different locations until Siidewinders moved locations in 2020. JD was originally from San Francisco and also in Palm Springs.  Gear Werks provides a wide range of leather and kink items when they vent.  They also produced custom pins and patches for multiple organizations in New Mexico.


Sources: JD (interviews), Wade, Internet.


Gear Werks Pin - Wing Heart
Moonight Creations, Logo, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Moonight Creations, Logo, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Furniture, Moonlight Creations, Albuquerque, NM
Custom leather accessories, Moonlight Creations, Albuquerque, NM
Custom leather accessories, Moonlight Creations, Albuquerque, NM
Custom leather accessories, Moonlight Creations, Albuquerque, NM


Moonlight Creations (leather, wood, steel)

Moonlight Creations has been a custom low-volume vendor focusing on "unique creations from wood, steel, leather, glass and more." Their products have included leather wear, floggers, dragon tails, paddles, furniture, metal products, accessories.  They have vended at Spring Pandemonium, EvoRevo, Leather Fiesta and other events.  They have cooperatively coordinated with JD & Wade from Gear Werks, and established two play space that have been central to the community over the years in group and private events (#18 and Vodago)​​​​ that were not part of their business.  See VENUES. Moonlight Creations had always focused on small volume custom items.  Eventually they chose to stop public event vending because the community at the time already had many of their products. 


Sources: Moonlight Creations - Michael & Cindy (interview 11July24 @ MC) ,, on (2012-2015).


max woltman 1.jpg

Max Woltman (photographer)

Max Woltman is a photographer in Albuquerque, NM, and has participated in alternative community events and included elements of our communities in his work.  His #WhatWeSee series is a compilation of portraits he has taken of strangers, acquaintances, friends, family, and lovers throughout the years.  He writes, This project evolved as I saw the need for us (myself included) to celebrate ourselves.  Our bodies, faces, feelings, dreams.  All of us, including our imperfections and insecurities, but also our courage, laughter, and beauty.  What makes us proud.  What makes us sexy.  What makes us feel alive."


Sources: Max Woltman (discussions),

Reproduced with permission from Max Woltman, 11Jun24, #WhatWeSee
R&S Whips Logo


R&S Whips (whip maker)

R&S Whips creates custom single tails, floggers, cat-o-nine tails, whip variations.​


Sources: Internet, interactions with R&S.

2017 (publish date of Solidarity Through Pride)

Dr. PJ Sedillo (author, community leader)

Dr. PJ Sedillo has been active in the Albuquerque alternative community as an out and positive role model and activist for human rights issues.  He was the President and Co-President of Albuquerque Pride (1989-2010). 


As co-president of Albuquerque Pride with Pat Ballie, PJ interacted frequently with the Leather and alternative communities, to represent them in the New Mexico Pride Parade.  PJ, Pat, and Pride eventually decided that The Sirens, a leatherdyke organization in Albuquerque, would lead the opening of Pride Parade, ensuring a more constant representation of Leather in that event.


PJ is a native of Albuquerque, receiving his BA degree in Elementary Education from NM Highlands University, Masters in Special Education and Doctorate from the University of New Mexico in Education with an emphasis in gifted and counseling.  He was an educator in Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) and is a professor at New Mexico Highlands University.  He helped obtain job security for all APS employees with a non-discriminatory sexual orientation policy included in each employee contract.  He married legally in Canada in 2003 to his husband Tony Ross and legally fought in court against APS to become the first same-sex couple in the USA to receive spousal benefits.


Sources: Dr. PJ Selillo (interview 20Sep24),, Internet.

Solidarity Through Pride - 40 Years of GLBT Pride in Albuquerque 1976-2016, Dr PJ Sedillo, 30 March 2017, Book Cover
Dr. PJ Sedillo, Albuquerque, New Mexico,

Dr. PJ Sedillo, New Mexico Highlands University, former President and Co-President, Albuquerque Pride.


LeatherDaddy Skin Co.

LeatherDaddy Skin Co, Logo, Albuquerque, New Mexico

LeatherDaddy Skin Co. was founded by Chris Wright-Garcia (they/them), a non-binary kinkster Switch, in Albuquerque, NM.  Transitioning from his job as a waiter, Chris started by marketed his product at Albuquerque Pride and other local events.  He focused on skin care and fun while celebrating the BDSM community, starting with his first product, Tasty Hole.  His offerings expanded to beard, bath, body, cologne and other products. Chris worked to expand his business by vending at national men's leather and BDSM events, which eventually lead to connections where his products are now available at locations across the USA including Mr. S Leather, Leather64ten, Blade's Barber Studio, Tom of Finland Store, Vanilla Kink, The Leather Man, and others.   Chris also offers kinky apparel on his website.


Sources:, Chris Wright-Garcia (discussions).​​

LeatherDaddy Skin Co, ad panel, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Bad Bunny Bondage (leathersmith, vendor)

Justin Jackson.  Move to ABQ MMA.


Sources: Incomplete - pending interview.

Leather Play company logo
Master Bliss, Feral Heathen


Leather Play (leathersmith, vendor)

Feral Heathen and Master Bliss, are the creators, owners, life partners, and kinksters of Leather Play.  The idea was born after they met in Albuquerque in 2022. Between them, they have 35+ years in leatherworking and the world of kink.


Sources: Master Biliss (discussions), Feral Heathen (discussions),

Leather kink BDSM items for sale, Leather Play, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Other Artisans

There are â€‹many types of artisans in the Leather and alternative communities.  Some are highly visible, vending at our community events or online.  Others work in the background providing graphic art designs for events and online.  Artisans include leathersmiths, bootblacks, photographers, painters, graphic artists, jewelers, candle makers, makers of whips and other implements, makers of clothing, harnesses, accessories, makers of furniture for our dungeons, creators of posters, and editors newsletters.​


​Bootblacks are more than artisans in our community, yet their work is certainly a craft and art.  On the surface, they care for our leather and recreate the art in leather through its maintenance and renewal.  Their performance and engagement at the bootblack stand or elsewhere is artwork - their style, presentation, and perhaps engagement with their customer or performance in erotic bootblacking.  Many of them have taught their skills to newer generations or the general public. Here is an incomplete list of bootblacks that have regularly practiced their art in New Mexico:

  • 1990-1996 - Hank Wierzba (he/him)

    • Was the resident bootblack at the Ranch​ until his death in 1996 <b> from AIDS.  Mentor to Leslie Anderson.  :Hank was involved in the Rodeo, and treasurer in 1994.  He was handsome, short, stocky, green eyes, handlebar mustache.

  • 1996-? CW (he/him)

    • Took over from Hank.  Short-lived as a bootblack at the Ranch.  CW died in late 1990s.​

  • 1996-2005 - Leslie Anderson (he/him)

    • Head bootblack for "Team Shine" at International Mr. Leather, Leather Preservation Specialist, Leather Archives & Museum, Chicago, 1998 Pantheon of Leather Award, Rocky Mountain Region, 2000 Pantheon of Leather Award, Rocky Mountain Region, 2015 Pantheon of Leather Award, Mr. Marcus Hernandez Lifetime Achievement, 1999 International Ms. Bootblack, 1996 Ms. New Mexico Leather, 1997 American Leathewoman, Sandia Leather.​  Leslie moved to Chicago in 2005.  He mentored Jayson DaBoi Johnson.

  • ?-current - Jayson DaBoi Johnson (he/him)

    • Producer Corazón Leather Contest (2023-), Official ABQ Eagle Bootblack, 2010 International Ms. Bootblack, 2004 Mr. New Mexico Leather, 1997 Ms. NM Fantasy.  Jayson has held classes in bootblacking in Albuquerque and mentored other bootblacks including Rowan.​

  • ?-? - boi Danny (they)

    • boi Danny was a member of Albuquerque Boys of Leather.  They provided training in bootblacking at the Leather Daddys "Leather Curious Events​ was well as assisted on bootblacking and cigar play in the back lot of Sidewinders Ranch in 2017.

  • ?-? - Rowan (he/him)


Additional information about Albuquerque's bootblacking is available on the Venues page under Albuquerque's Bootblacking Stand" history.​​

Hank Wierzba, from 1994 NMGRA Program guide.

Hank Wierzba, from 1994 NMGRA Program guide. <c>

​Boi Danny showing bootblacking with cigar service, as part of Albuquerque Leather Daddys event in back lot of Sidewinders Ranch, 2017.  From Left  back row: Cory, Magnum, slave Dennis, Tom Lang, Mauro Walden-Montoya, ?.  Left front: boi Danny (in front of bootblack chair), Adrian Thompson (in chair).

Boi Danny showing bootblacking with cigar service, as part of Albuquerque Leather Daddys event in back lot of Sidewinders Ranch, 2017.  From Left  back row: Cory, Magnum, slave Dennis, Tom Lang, Mauro Walden-Montoya, ?.  Left front: boi Danny (in front of bootblack chair), Adrian Thompson (in chair).


​​(1996) Whip me Raw, custom leather by jai, (1996) Toyz For Girlz (and for adventurous boyz) by greedy dyke productions, (?-?) Creative Dungeon Works - "Creative Dungeon Works offers custom dungeon design, dungeon furniture, D/s role-play accessories for consenting adult recreational play."  They were at 160 Washington SE #232, with contact person "rhonda," active in 1999. <a>  (?-?) Tease Leather provided hand-crafted custom designed omin-gender leather apparel for people with imagination, Albuquerque, active in 1999.<a>  (?-1999) Bedroom Whips by Steve & Carolyn.


Sources: Internet, Fetlife <d>, Jason DaBoi (interviews), Leslie Anderson (interviews), Community members, <a>, 1996 IGRA Finals Rodeo Program <b>, <c>.​


Note: The history compilation on this page is courtesy of and Copyright 2024, 2025, Domum Corium Cordis, House of Leather Heart.

NM-REAL, New Mexico Respect Ethics Acceptance in Leather Inc., Logo


We provide education and events for members and the public in alternative lifestyles to promote respect, ethics, and acceptance, and the creation of safe space.  We pursue charitable causes including rights advocacy, scholarship, community awareness, and volunteerism.


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