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History of New Mexico Leather
& Alternative Communities

OverviewVenuesArtisans • Groups

History is a foundation that helps us approach the future with more understanding.  Awareness of history helps us realize not just what came before us, but also understand how things have changed, are changing, what was attempted, successes, struggles, and the great time had by many in alternative lifestyle communities.  It reminds us that time passes by quickly and to be sure to be kind as you travel through your journey through these alternative communities.


Our community events are times to gather and celebrate our freedom to express our alternative lifestyles in safe spaces, socialize and enjoy.  While many smaller, even recurring, events are held in our community by groups, venues, and individuals, we may not focus on those in this history.  Here we will consider events that are stationary, nomadic - wandering locations with their clan.  We also consider events that are so significant, that they stand alone from the group that runs them. These include title events.  They might be owned by an individual and passed along over time,  or move from group to group.   Some events are more like groups, recurring without any overseeing organized structure other than the community service from an individual or set of people.

Pin - Motorcyclemen of New Mexico, 1984-1993, Dick Marleau


Hot Air - Motorcycle Men of NM (MMNM)

Pin - Motorcyclemen of New Mexico, 1992-1997, Dennis Dunnum

Motorcyclemen of New Mexico (MMNM) held a biker run in Albuquerque called "Hot Air" which was held at the same time of the year as the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, from 1984 through 1997.  This timing was also a celebration of their full registration as a non-profit. It was usually centered at the De Anza Motor Lodge, a historic motel built in 1939 located at 4305 Central Ave NE in Albuquerque, where gathering and play parties took place.  They also used another hotel at the corner of Central and San Mateo. MMNM held poker runs through town to pick up playing cards at various locations - those with the highest poker hand would win prizes.  Other clubs that came to Hot Air included Rocky Mountain Motorcycle Club (RMCC), which was like a brother club to MMNM, Border Riders, City Bikers (Denver), Satyricons (Las Vegas, NV), and Castaways (Milwaukee, WI).   Hot air was no longer held as the interest and participation in MMNM declined after 1997.  Another run that MMNM attended was RMCC's Golden Fleece Run in Colorado.  See the GROUPS page for more information about MMNM.


1985: 12 Oct, Hot Air 2

1986:  10-12 Oct, Hot Air 3



1989: 6-9 Oct, Hot Air '89 <d>

1990: 5-8 October. <c>

1991: 11-14 October, Hot Air '91 <a>

1993: Hot Air IX, 10th Anniversary of MMNM.  "Leather Shed" event 16 October <b>, Ride Back to the Gay '90s.

1994: 7-10 October.

De-Anza Motor Lodge Sign Leather Background
Motorcyclemen of New Mexico, 1983, 2nd Anniversary, GFR XII
Motorcyclemen of New Mexico enjoyed their Fifth Annual Hot Air Run in Albuquerque, The Leather Journal, Issue 9, February-April 1989, page 15.

Motorcyclemen of New Mexico enjoyed their Fifth Annual Hot Air Run in Albuquerque, The Leather Journal, Issue 9, February-April 1989, page 15.

​Motorcyclemen of New Mexico, Hot Air 1989 event registration form, October 6-9, 1989.

Motorcyclemen of New Mexico, Hot Air 1989 event registration form, October 6-9, 1989.


Sources: Dennis Dunnum (interview 12Jun24), Leslie Anderson (interviews), Casey Newkirk (interview 14Jun24),<year>,, Drummer Magazine Issue #132, <a> #150, <b> #167.  Leather Archives & Museum resources.


New Mexico Drummer / Drummerboy

A Drummer / Drummerboy title was first available to New Mexico through the Southwest Drummer contest, that in 1989,  began accepting leathermen from Arizona and New Mexico. <a, d>  It was held at the Bum Steer in Phoenix.  Residents of the Southwest Region could compete there directly or in feeders from particular states (if they held contests).   Mr. Drummer was the predominant contest at this time, before exitance of International Mr Leather (IML) and International Ms Leather (IMsL). 


Southwest Drummer Titleholders:

1991 - Pat Sanchez (Mr Motorcyclemen NM).

  • Pat was reported to be 1st Runner up in this contest by one source, but must have moved to the full title, winning Mr. Southwest Drummer 1991, and then competed in Drummer 1991.  He was a judge at IML 1994.  He also co-produced the Southwest Regional Drummer in 1994.

1991 - Lenard Martinez (Mr)


Some time after Pat Sanchez won the event directly at Southwest Dummer, he started producing Mr. Drummer New Mexico as part of Motorcyclemen of New Mexico.  Energy for this title merged into the Mr/Ms New Mexico title at a time where Drummer Magazine was sold to a different company resulting in turmoil about 1995-1996.


New Mexico Drummer Titleholders:

1992 - Chuck Floyd (Mr), Allen Gates (Drummer Boy)

  • Chuck raised $16,500 for the New Mexico Association of People Living With AIDS building fund for a new center by hosting a two-day auction and flea market in June. 

1993 - Steve Benoit (Mr), James Danforth (Drummer Boy).

  • James went on to also win the Southwest Drummer Boy title in Phoenix.

    • "The Drummerboy winner, James Danforth of Albuquerque, New Mexico, competed against boys from Phoenix and Las Vegas.  this 22-year-old boy said he has been interested in the leather community since he was a child." <b>

1994 - Dominick Zurlo (Mr), 2nd place at Southwest Drummer in 1994.



1991 - Southwest Drummer only in Phoenix.

1992 -

1993 - May 8th.  First regional Southwest contest in Phoenix.

1994 - 15-16 April, Pat Sanchez contact <c>.


Sources: Leslie Anderson (interviews), Dominick Zurlo (interview 17Jul24), Internet. (2000-2001),,<year>,<issue#>.pdf,, Drummer Magazine Issue <a> #128 p88 - May 1989, <b> #163 May 1993, <c> #172 - 1994, <d> #130 -1989, <e>, Dave Crawford, MMNM (interview 5Jan25).

Drummer Magazine, Issue 150, Page 64, Pat Sanchez, Mr Southwest Drummer 1991

Mr. Drummer Contest coverage in Drummer Magazine, Issue 150, Page 64, showing Pat Sanchez, Mr. New Mexico Drummer 1991, Mr. Southwest Drummer 1991, in his unsuccessful run for the national Mr. Drummer.

New Mexico Mr. Drummer Contest, ad, 1994, Drummer Magazine #172 featuring Pat Sanchez (left). <c>

New Mexico Mr. Drummer Contest ad, Albuquerque ad, 1994, featuring Pat Sanchez (left).
Pin, New Mexico Drummer 1992 Albuquerque, Originally owned by Pat Sanchez
Patch - Mr NM Leather 1997, D Dennum
Pin - Heavy Metal, New Mexico Leather 1998, D Dennum.png
Pin = NM On Fire 1996, D Dennum.png
Pin - High Voltage, New Mexico Leather 1997
New Mexico Leather 1996.

NM Leather 1996.  (left) Leslie Anderson, Wolf, James Collins, Kevin Watson, James Peters, ?.  Picture from Leslie Anderson.

Mr & Ms New Mexico Leather 1997, Dennis Dunnum & Diva Marie, with James Collins on left and Leslie Anderson on right.unnum

NM Leather 1997.  (left) James Collins, Diva Marie, Dennis Dunnum, Leslie Anderson.

New Mexico Leather 1997 Contest Group Photo

NM Leather 1997 group photo.  Top from left: Jeff Tucker Pat, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Murph Merifran McDaniel Sousa, ?, ?, ?, ?, Jill Carter, ?, ?, Pat Baille. Bottom from left: Cindy Bookout, ?, ?, Leslie Anderson, Dennis Dunnum, ?.

Shannon McAlexander & Tristan Tyler, Ms. & Mr. New Mexico Leatherfest, 1995, From New Mexico Newsleather, Nov 1995, issue #2, by Casey Newkirk.

From New Mexico Newsleather, Nov 1995, issue #2, by Casey Newkirk.

Patch - New Mexico Mr Leather 2004, Jayson DaBoi Johnson

Major Gardner's Mr. New Mexico 2004 Leather patch (won in 2003), held by Jayson DaBoi.

2004 International Ms Leather, IMsL, Lori Ellison, 2004 Ms New Mexico Leather

2004 International Ms Leather, IMsL, Lori Ellison, Ms New Mexico Leather.


New Mexico Mr./Ms. Leather
New Mexico Mr./Ms. Leatherfest

Coming into existence as the Drummer Magazine title was becoming less popular, New Mexico Mr Leather, part of an event known as New Mexico Leather Weekend, was a title produced by Sandia Leathermen until 2000, and for a time, Black Leather Weekend by HPL Productions of Colorado.  See the GROUPS page for more about them.  This contest was originally open to all men, regardless of sexuality.  Dennis Dunnum, Mr Leather 1997 went to IML that year, coming in sixth when he was 54 years old. Many of the NM Leather events had a themed name (New Mexico on Fire, Bootcamp, High Voltage, Heavy Metal, etc.) that was reflected on the stage decorations and represented on the event pin.  The event was quickly opened to women.


Leatherfest was an event held in October starting in 1992, celebrating leather during time of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.  There was a gap in events at this time because the Motorcyclemen of New Mexico (MMNM) were slowing down in production of their Air run at this time.  Leatherfest title contests were held, a less formal contest considered to be a practice run for the NM Leather title contests.


In 2003, various combination of Mr./Ms. NM Leather titles were registered as trademark in New Mexico by James Torbet, Steven Wearden, Scott Allen Scott, Major Gardner, and Chuck Higgins.  This was in response to HPL Productions of Colorado coming in to take over this title after Sandia Leathermen disbanded.  There was some displeasure that group took over this title activity <seeking more information on this>.​​


​Mr./Ms. New Mexico Leather titles produced by Sandia Leathermen:


1994 - Matt Lopez (Mr)

  • First contestant in IML from NM, 1994.

1995 - Lady Willow (Ms), Buddy LaRue (Mr)

  • Lady Willow, the first Ms NM Leather, was 2nd runner up @ IMsL.  Buddy LaRue was 9th at IML 1995.  Buddy was a past-president of Moctorcyclemen of NM. <d>

  • Diva Marie, Willow, and Leslie Anderson attended IMsL 1995.  All three made the top 10 constants. IMSL 1995 was pat baille of Santa Cruz, CA, who would move to Albuquerque in late 1995.<b> <c>

1996 - James Collins (Mr), Leslie Anderson (Ms).

  • "New Mexico on Fire" theme, Leslie went on to be American Leatherwoman 1997 and International Ms. Bootblack 1999.  James obtained 12th place at IML.  James Collins was a judge at IML.

  • 22-24 March 1996

1997 - Dennis Dunnum (Mr), Diva Marie (Ms).

  • "High Voltage" theme, Dennis went to IML and obtained 6th place.  Diva Marie was 3rd place at IMsL.

  • 21-23 March 1997

1998 - Kevin Watson (Mr), Mistress Sky (Ms).

  • "Heavy Metal" theme, Kevin was previously International Mr. Fantasy 1996.

1999 - Alen Pfannenstiel (Mr), Kathryn Alexander (Ms).

  • "Bootcamp" theme.  Sixth year of NM Leather.

  • Key visitors included Chuck Renslow (owner IML) who brought a traveling exhibit of the Leather Archives & Museum, Mark Frazier (owner Dallas Eagle.

2001 - No Title (Sandia Leathermen had shut down).​


New Mexico Leatherfest titles produced by Sandia Leathermen:


1991 - 11-13 October, Albuquerque Leatherfest/Sandia Leathermen <a>.


  • Total of three contestants <c>

1995 - Shannon McAlexander (Ms), Tristan Tyler (Mr).

  • This was the first Ms. Leatherfest contest. Attenance by many out of town organization and local including Bears of Manana, Motorcyclemen fo NM. <c>

1998 - Leatherfest was held​​​​

  • 1998 IMsL contest in Philadelphia PA - Mona Cleveland was first runner up.​


Titles produced by "HPL Productions of Colorado" at Black Leather Weekend, precursor to and overlap with Rio Grande Leather Contest:


2002 - ?

2003 - Leo Suarez (Mr). (held in 2002).

2004 - Lori Ellison (Ms), Major Gardner (Mr).  (held in 2003).

  • Lori obtained International Ms. Leather (IMsL) 2004. 

  • Major went to IML in 2003 but did not make the top 20.  Major is a heterosexual-only, leather man, top-only in BDSM.​​

1996 New Mexico Leather Contest program book, New Mexico on Fire
1998 New Mexico Leather Contest program book, Heavy Metal
1999 New Mexico Leather Contest program book, Boot Camp

New Mexico Leather Contest program guides (1996, 1998, 1999).  Click on cover image to see PDF.


Sources: Leslie Anderson (interviews), Dominick Zurlo (interview 17Jul2024), Jayson DaBoi Johnson (interviews), Dennis Dunnum (interview 12Jun2024), Chuck Higgins (interview 12Jun24, +), Major (Greg) Gardner (interview), on (2004-2006), NM Secretary of State Trademark Search, Internet,, Darla (interview 31Aug2024), Sky Fiske (interview 1Sep2004),<issue#>.pdf, <a> Drummer Magazine Issue #150 September 1991, Pat Baillie (interview 31Aug24), <b> NM NewsLeather Isssue #1, <c> NM NewsLeather Issue #2, <d> Black Leather Weekend 2003 program, New Mexico Leather Contest program books for 1996, 1998, 1999.


New Mexico Fantasy

New Mexico Fantasy was a title of Sandia Leathermen and Sandia Leatherwomen produced for a few years that would feed into an International Mr. Fantasy Leather Contest, likely an offshoot of the Drummer contest.  NM Fantasy was typically produced for New Mexico by the Mr/Ms Leather titleholder of that year.  The second International Mr. Fantasy Leather, 1996, was Kevin Watson, from Albuquerque, NM, also involved in the rodeo and would later become the 1998 Mr. New Mexico Leather titleholder.  Many of his fantasies included Leslie Anderson.  Kevin was on the cover of Issue #87 of The Leather Journal.  See more from Issue 87.  Many Sandia Leathermen traveled with Kevin Watson to Omaha in July 1996.  Kevin's fantasy was a "sizzling cowboy scene featuring a lazy ranch-hand and an angry owner determined to teach him a thing or two" including "some fancy ropework and a finale with a branding iron (wielded by Kevin)."  <a> Some events were in DC's Saloon in Omaha.


International Mr Fantasy Leather Contest was held in Omaha, NE, staring in August 1995, operated by Dustin Logan’s Fantasy Productions of Omaha, Nebraska.  The contest categories were Prejudging (interview, closed to general public), Fantasy Wear (you are encouraged to be creative), On-Stage Question and Answer, Fantasy, and a “Mystery” category.   Other event events include meet-the-contestants Welcome Party, Sexual Scavenger Hunt, seminars, demonstrations, after-hours party, farewell brunch, and afternoon softball game.


New Mexico Fantasy Titles:

1995 - ?

1996 - Kevin Watson (Mr.)

  •  Kevin went to Omaha to win International Mr. Fantasy that year.

1997 - Mona Cleveland

1998 - Shirley

  • Produced by Sky Fiske.

1999 - ?


Sources: Leslie Anderson (interviews), Jayson DaBoi Johnson (interviews), Dominick Zurlo (interview 17July24), <a> (particularly July, August 1996), Sky Fiske (interview 1Sep2024).

Kevin Watson, International Mr. Fantasy 1996.

Kevin Watson, International Mr. Fantasy 1996.

Patch - Ms NM Fantasy 1997, Jayson DaBoi Johnson
Mr New Mexico Fantasy 1999 Patch, taken at Sidwinders Ranch in August 2019


Black Leather Weekend

Also known as LeatherCamp, Black Leather Weekend, was run by a group in Colorado, "HPL Productions of Colorado" (High Plains Leather) in response to the disbanding of Sandia Leathermen/Leatherwomen in running the Mr./Ms. New Mexico Leather titles.   It was run by JD, or Daddy Jim Torbet, from Colorado Springs and his partner.  JD's subsequent partner, Wally, Daddy Wally Douglas, was also involved.  HPL had vended at many previous Sandia Leather events in New Mexico as a proprietor of affordable leather for the community.  When Sandia Leather shut down, they didn't want the event to come to an end, so stepped in to keep things going.  Black Leather Weekend organized classes, a dungeon, vendors, and the continuation of the Mr./Ms. New Mexico Leather titles.  Other vendors included High Plains Leathers and Strictly Leather.  In 2003, they added the subtitle "New Mexico's Annual Leather Family Reunion." <b>


While some in Albuquerque, including some past title holders, had no problem with JD and Wally, establishment of this event by persons from Colorado did not sit well with some in the New Mexico community. HPL seemed to have acknowledged the conflict in a positive way in their 2003 event book by renaming the contest to "New Mexico Mr/Ms Leather" and giving Steve Wearden kudos.  However, after this event, in 2003 a group of New Mexicans including their recent titleholder, Major, registered as trademarks various combination of Mr./Ms. NM Leather titles <c> to prevent HPL Productions from continuing this activity.  This group was Steven Wearden, Scott Allen Scott, Major Gardner (2004 titleholder), and Chuck Higgins.  James Torbet then registered another variation of the event name to continue Black Leather Weekend.  The planned 2004 event advertised in the 2003 program book was cancelled.  This evemtually enabled establishment of the Rio Grande Leather title events.



2001 - March 23-25, 2001:  (2002 Title) 

  • Titleholders unknown.

  • Featured a Black Leather Banquet and a Black Leather Fantasy Show along with workshops and seminars. <a>

​2002 - March 22-24, 2002: (2003 Title), at Holiday Inn

  • Leo Suarez (Mr).

2003 - 17-18 October, 2003: (2004 Title), also "New Mexico Annual Leather Family Reunion"

  • Lori Ellison (Ms), Major Gardner (Mr).

    • Lori obtained International Ms. Leather (IMsL) 2004. 

    • Major went to IML in 2003 but did not make the top 20.  Major is a heterosexual-only, leather man, top-only in BDSM.

  • Black Leather Weekend 2003 Program Booklet

2004 - Scheduled for October 2004; however, it was cancelled.​

Black Leather Weekend - New Mexico, Logo
​Black Leather Weekend, 2003, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Producer, Daddy Jim Torbet  (left), Event Coordinator and Contest Coordinator, Daddy Wally Douglas (right).

Black Leather Weekend: Producer, Daddy Jim Torbet  (left), Event Coordinator and Contest Coordinator, Daddy Wally Douglas (right). From 2003 program.

2024 CLAW LA,  Black Leather Weekend Event Coordinator and Contest Coordinator, Daddy Wally Douglas (left) and Producer Daddy Jim Torbet  (left), discussing their recollections of Black Leather Weekend that was held in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

At 2024 CLAW LA,  Black Leather Weekend Event Coordinator and Contest Coordinator, Daddy Wally Douglas (left) and Producer Daddy Jim Torbet  (left), discussing their recollections of Black Leather Weekend.


​Sources: on, Major Gardner (interview), on (2004-2006), Chuck Higgins (interviews), Kathyrn Alexander (interview 30Aug2024), <c> State of New Mexico Secretary of State Trademark Search, <a><year>, <b> Black Leather Weekend 2003 program.

2002 Leather Sir Patch
Leather Wolves BBQ at Albuquerque Mining Company, with 2002 Leathersir patch


New Mexico Leather Sir

New Mexico LeatherSir, was a short-lived event.  We have little information on this other than a cookout picture from the Leather Wolves archived website with the patched individual behind the smoke of the BBQ.  We extracted the patch from this image.  Leslie Anderson is talking to this individual by the BBQ but does not recall the details.  If you have more information, let us know!


From the Leather Wolves website capture 18Apr2003:

"Where there's smoke there's...Leather Wolves?  On Sunday April 13th at the Albuquerque Mining Company there were.  About 30 folks gathered to eat their own (and others') meat, cooked on the grill to perfection for us by Jim.  They say the secret's in the sauce.  But they don't say how you get the sauce out of the cook.  Hmmmm.  Bet you can think of at least one way!"


Sources: (2003-2011) and (2003-2007) on


Desert Pandemonium → Spring Pandemonium

In October 2003, "a group of kinky-minded Albuquerque folks got together and decided to host one hell of a dungeon." <a> It went so well that they decided to make it an annual event.  The next official event was held October 15, 2004, 9 pm-2 am as Desert Pandemonium 2004 at Pride Gym, 1803 3rd St NW in Albuquerque, which was the same weekend as New Mexico's Annual Leather Weekend, eventually renamed to Rio Grande Leather.  A Meet & Greet Cocktail Party was held at Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC).  They sold tickets at The Cafe Next Door, AEL Power Munch, and Sandia Women's Dinner.   The event included demos, NM Mr. Leather 2004, Major. 


In 2005, this event was titled Spring Pandemonium, a long-weekend collaboration of Desert Pandemonium and Rio Grande Leather.  Events started Thursday March 10th at Emmanuel Metropolitan Community Church (314 Dallas NE), Julian Wolf lead a discussion about lifestyle, protocol, play party etiquette and the BDSM community.  Friday March 11th, 2005, there was an informal mixer at Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC).  The dungeon play party was Pride Gym 9 pm-2 am.  Demos started the activity at 930-10 pm.  The next day on Saturday, a full day of workshops occurred 10 am-4 pm at AMC.  This was followed by the Mr. Rio Grande Leather contest 7-10 pm at The Ranch (8900 Central NE) and fantasies at The Ranch 8-930 pm, and victory party 10-1130 pm.  On Sunday they held "Beauty & the Brunch" at Exhale (3162 4th St NW) that featured a fetish ware fashion show.


Events: (not a complete list)

  • 2003 - October (first event), Desert Pandemonium.

  • 2004 - October 15, Desert Pandemonium.

  • 2005 - March 11-13, Spring Pandemonium.

  • ...

  • 2012 - April 13-15, Spring Pandemonium, included an Albuquerque Leather Daddy event "Under Cover of Darkness - a tribute to the leather bars of the past" at which Albuquerque boys of Leather (AboL) was introduced. <a>


Sources: <a> on (2004-2006), on, <a> Leather History in Albuquerque - Leatherati - boy bionic - 14Apr2012 -


Mr. / Ms. Rio Grande Leather

Produced originally by a number of entities, including NMLL, and eventually Steve Wearden, Mr./Ms. Rio Grande Leather (RGL) was widely considered the follow-on event to the Mr/Ms New Mexico Leather titles.  â€‹It is notable that Tyler McCormick, the 2010 titleholder became International Mr Leather (IML) that year, the only IML from New Mexico.


In 24 May 2006, RGL website shows that contents are copyright NMLL, and in 2010 was again independent.


It was typical that titleholders were asked to go to IML and IMsL to represent New Mexico.  The Ms titleholder was asked to go to IML to support the Mr titleholder and vice versa.


Title Holders:


2004 - Ruben Gallegos (Mr), Julian Wolf (Ms)

  • October 15-16, 2004

  • Ruben went to IML, 2004. ?

  • In cooperation with the Desert Pandemonium play party.

  • Event locations: AMC: Albuquerque Mining Company, 7209 Central Ave. NE, Pride Gym, 1803 3rd St. NW, The Ranch, 8900 Central Ave. SE, Next door to the Cafe Next Door: Former Sisters & Brothers Bookstore, 4011 Silver SE.

2005 - Stacey Wadley (of Albuquerque) (Ms), Leo Suarez (of Cloudcroft) (Mr).

  • October 14-16, 2005 at Sidewinders Ranch.

2006 - Not issued due to title date changes.

  • The producers previously issued the title for the same year as the contest.  In 2006, they decided to issue the title for the following year, allowing IML contenders to have a more current title and align with other contests in the nation.  Thus one title year number was skipped.<a>

2007 - Dread Pirate Drew (Mr).

  • October 20-22, 2006.

  • Produced by NMLL, Lady Katalina, Pat Baillie.

  • Howard Johnsons at Hotel Circle.

2008 - Crrreature (Mr), Keli (Daddy bear) (Ms).

2009 - Craig Dill (Mr), Mistress Sky (Ms).

  • October 17-19, 2008.

  • Craig Dill attended IML in 2009.  His involvement at IML eventually threatened his personal livelihood. Critics in his job role claimed Craig was a "pervert;" however, Craig persevered, and in the process helped normalize leather in the broader community. <a>

  • Full program book, RGL 2009 here.

2010 - Tyler McCormick (Mr), Jayson DaBoi (Ms)

  • 2009 event date.

  • Tyler won IML 2010 as first disabled, trans at IML.  Jayson won International Ms. Bootblack 2010.  Tyler had immense criticism as a transman and having a handicap as IML that helped evolve the leather community and pave the way for future trans participants and winners of IML.  He had little support paving this pathway, but it lead to more inclusivity in the future.

2011 - October 14-16, 2010 (Planned but not held.  No title.)​


Sources: Tyler McCormick (interviews), on, Steve Wearden's 2019 Leather History training, Craig Dill (interview 25Aug2024) <a>, Pat Baillie (interview 31Aug2024), Darla Hallmark (interview 31Aug2004), Sky Fiske (interview 1Sep2024).

Rio Grand Leather - New Mexico, Logo
Patch, Ms Rio Grande Leather 2009, Mistress Sky
Patch, Ms Rio Grande Leather 2010, Tyler McCormick
Portraits of titleholders of New Mexico Leather and Rio Grande Leather titleholders, by Darla, Unseen Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico,

Portraits spanning New Mexico Leather & Rio Grande Leather, created by artist Darla, that could be  used as fundraiser magnets by titleholders.


The Leather Journal, November 2007, p20.  Dave Rhodes attended RGL 2008 title contest.  Pictures on page clockwise from top left: (1) Contest producer Lady Katalina and Mr. Rio Grade Leather 2007 Dread Pirate Drew; (2) Jayson DaBoi works on Pat Baillie's boots; (3) Riogirlscout performed a straight jacket escape scene on Friday night; (4) Ruben Gallegos of the Leather Wolves and his boys rex on his left and geo on his right; (5) Workshop presenters Malik and slave cathy; (6) Belly dancer eve during Albuquerque Shines; (7) (center) Mr. and Ms. Rio Grade Leather 2008 Crrreature and Daddy Bear.  Photos by Dave Rhodes.  See more detail here.

American Bear Awakening, Bear, Logo
American Bear Awakening (ABA), 2010, Albuquerque, NM, Mr. Rise 'N Shine Bear 2010

From Left: Mr Rise & Shine Bear 2010, Kevin Reichenstein, ?.

American Bear Awakening (ABA), 2010, Albuquerque, NM, Mr. Rise 'N Shine Bear 2010
American Bear Awakening, event logo text


American Bear Awakening (ABA)

American Bear Awakening, also the Bare Bones Bear Run, in Albuquerque was organized in cooperation between the Sandia Bears and Bears of Mañana.  See the GROUPS page for more about them.  This included a contest that included titles of Mr. Rise & Shine Bear and American Bear Awakening.  Other typical events included activities such as these: Bear Ho'Down and Meet-N-Greet, Sandia Tram Ride, Old Town Museum & Shopping, Bear Splash-N-Que, Swimming and BBQ, Bear Fusion Dance, Acoma Sky City Pueblo Casino Tour, Madrid NM Tour, Bear Blast, Bear-eoke, Guild Cinema.


ABA Events:

2006: ?

  • Titles: Ruben Gallegos, NM N Shine Bear; Kelly Peeples, NM Rise N Shine Cub <?>

  • Stink bomb event at Sidewinders!

  • Sheraton Uptown

2007: 8-11 March 2027 (American Bear Awakening II)

  • Titles: ?

  • Sheraton Uptown

2008: 3-6 April 2008 (American Bear Awakening III)

  • Titles: ?

  • Howard Johnsons, Eubank & I40

2009: 2-5 April 2009 (American Bear Awakening IV)

  • Titles: <name>, American Bear Awakening

  • Sandia Courtyard Hotel

2010: ?

  • Titles: Kevin Reichenstein, Mr. Rise & Shine Bear.​

From Left: ?, D Tony Carson, Kevin Reichenstein (Mr Rise & Shine Bear 2010), Bill Ziegler.

Patch, Mr. Rise 'N Shine Bear 2010, American Bear Awakening (ABA), 2010, Albuquerque, NM
American Bear Awakening (ABA), 2010, Albuquerque, NM, Mr. Rise 'N Shine Bear 2010, American Bear Awakening Patch 2009
American Bear Awakening, Poster, 2-5 April 2009
American Bear Awakening video ad, 2009, Animated GIF

American Bear Awakening IV: I'm going, RU?


American Bear Awakening IV: Who's Going?

​Sources: Tony Carson (intervews), on (2007-, no content found, assume no website built), Facebook, on (2007-2009), on (2008-2009),, NM Secretary of State Business Search, Facebook, YouTube /,,,, Matthew Christian (interview 30Aug2024).


Evolution Revolution 3 Logo

Evolution of the Revolution (EvoRevo)

Evolution of the Revolution (EvoRevo) was a series of large highly-regarded, upscale events held by the New Mexico Fetlifers (NMFL).  All three were held at Hard Rock Casino (now Isleta Resort & Casino) south of Albuquerque. This event brought in nationally-known guest educators and speakers including John Baku, Jay Wiseman, Mistress Serene (RIP), Dr Clockwork, Deborah Hoffman-Wade, Max Rulz, Simon Blaise, Danielle DV8, and Guy Baldwin.  In 2011, the Carter-Johnson Leather Library was at EvoRevo along with Mama Vi Johnson and boy Robi, the farthest west the Library has been at that time.  EvoRevo also had vendors, classes, cocktail parties, a kinky townhall, and dungeon play party. There is no remaining group on Fetlife as it was removed by the creators.


EvoRevo 1 - Sept 17-18, 2010

EvoRevo 2 - Sept 16-17, 2011

EvoRevo 3 - Sept 14-16, 2012


EvoRevo events were regarded as high-end, sophisticated events at the best facilities and with the best accommodations that have not been seen in Albuquerque before (or since) even by NMLL.  The community may not have been able to fully support such events, which may have contributed to more limited attendance and no further events being held.  There was some worry from those outside EvoRevo and NM Fetlifers, such as from NMLL, at the time, that Sera's events were over-saturating the event capacity of the region -- yet EvoRevo brought something new to New Mexico.


Sources: Sera Miles (interview 19May2024), Eldest Saint (textual interviews, May2024), on, community members.

New Mexico Fetlifers, Logo
New Mexico Fetlifers (NMFL) pin
Albuquerque Press Club


Albuquerque WET-MUNCH

Starting with community interest in 2010, Albuquerque WET-MUNCH came into being via Connyfornia, Ms.B,  Kim, and others.  In 2010, Ms.B started a Sunday Coffee Munch held twice a month at the Flying Star on Wyoming & Paseo del Norte.  After loss of a venue and a pause, Kim renamed the event WET-MUNCH, resurrecting it briefly until venue issues and a dormant period.  Briana, Daniel, and Conny brought it back in 2012 At Albuquerque Press Club (APC), April 1st, 2012.  WET-MUNCH moved around looking for stable venues and community interest, finding the Albuquerque Press Club (The Whittlesey House) in 2012-2018.  They held cookouts and educational events, some coordinated by Jinx.  The event served a pansexual community with strong hetro focus.  In 2018, the event moved to NM Clubhouse space.  Next was Carraro's & Joe's Place, a great dive bar followed by Quarter Celtic Brewpub in 2019.  After seven and a half years, leadership transferred to Genie, who eventually moved the event to Billy's Long Bar.  The 2020 Pandemic brought the last event in March 2020.


Source: Fetlife, Albuquerque WET-MUNCH, Conny (interviews), Attendee experience.


Rio Rancho (RR) Munch - Fetlife

Munch time in RR, NM Local Fetlifers, Rio Rancho, New Mexico

Rio Rancho Munch or RR Munch, was started by BitchInHeels in 2014, taken over in 2022 by LittleBratOfRR after BitchInHeels left the area.  It is associated with a Fetlife group, "RR, NM Local Fetlifers."  The attendance is variable but on average very well blended between straight, gay, pan, trans, queer, etc., now held at a bistro in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.  LittleBratOfRR is a warm inclusive host, catering to an attendance of 25-50.  This is a munch to enjoy good food, drink, and conversations in a safe space for kinksters.   This event focuses on comradery and having a munch.  There are no speakers or other activities, except holidays where there might be an optional themed experience.


Source: LittleBratOfRR (interviews), Fetlife, Attendee experience.


Corazón Leather Contest

Corazón Leather Contest has awarded two titles per year, if the two top contestants obtains the minimum required score.  This was the first pansexual event in the region.  Gender honorifics were provided based upon the winning contestants. This title event was started by Andrew Walden-Montoya and originally supported by New Mexico Leather League, who had it at their events.  In 2023, event ownership was transferred to Jayson DaBoi Johnson, who held the event at Social Club.  Jayson removed gender from the awarded titles and added more requirements for cross-community service.


In 2015, New Mexico Leather League teamed with Albuquerque boys of Leather (AboL) to produce the first Mr. and Ms. Corazón Leather competition, the first leather title since 2010, the last year of Rio Grande Leather. <a>

  • Judges were Tyler McCormick (IML 2010), Rosalinda Colin (Ms San Francisco Leather 2015), Stan Alexander, Jason DaBoi, and Lori Ellison (Ms NM Leather 2004, NLA Dallas)

  • Class presenters included Hardy Haberman, Tyesha Nichole Best, Jayson DaBoi, boy ash, House Golden, JD Smith & Wade, Sky Fiske (Ms NM leather 1998 and Ms Rio Grande Leather 2009), Big Squeezer (Daniel Erickson), Jackixo, slave eve, Sir B & Sir's Kitten, Just Angel (SW Bootblack 2014), Little Bad Daddy (Ms San Francisco Leather 2015). 

  • Vendors were Gear Werks, Moonlight Creations,, Life Style Sewing, KJ Canes, Tease by Travis, The January Shop, Conzept Dezigns, Unseen Gallery, Crossroads, Organic Hemp, Photos by Alibi, and Self Serve. 


2015 - Brooke Zeno (NoZKitten) (Ms), Joseph Burke (Mr)

  • Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel.

  • Produced by Andy Walden-Montoya.

2016 - Jinx the Lynx (Ms), Ninjetkitty (Ms)

  • Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel.

2017 - Ty the Gentleman (Mr)

  • Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel.

2018 - boy Christian (Mr), Sir Magnum (Mr)

  • Sheraton Albuquerque Airport Hotel.

2020-2021 - None (Pandemic)

2022- boy Chris (Mr), Uncle Jaie (Mr)

  • Ramada Inn, Menaul/University.

2023 - Bear Marvin (Lash Onyx), Brandon Waters

  • Albuquerque Social Club

  • First event produced by Jayson DaBoi Johnson.

2024 - Candy Brown-Cardwell, Tatra​

  • Albuquerque Social Club


Sources: Andrew Walden-Montoya (interviews), Jayson DaBoi Johnson (interviews), Ty the Gentleman (interview 25Aug2024), contestants, on (2015 <a>, Bear Mike, Lash Onyx.

Patch - Corazon Leather 2023, Bear Marvin - Lash Onyx
Spring Pandemonium 2022, Corazon Leather Contest, Ramada Inn.  From left: Lil Miss, Magnum, ?, Titleholders [Uncle Jaie, Boy Chris], ?, Justin Terry-Smith, Jayson DaBoi Johnson, Christian, Ninjet Kitty.

Spring Pandemonium 2022, Corazon Leather Contest, Ramada Inn.  From left: Lil Miss, Magnum, ?, Titleholders [Uncle Jaie, Boy Chris], ?, Justin Terry-Smith, Jayson DaBoi Johnson, Christian, Ninjet Kitty.

​Social Club, October 2023, Corazon Leather Contest,  From left: David Gutierrez, Michael DaBoi, Christian, Bear Marvin (titleholder), ?, Jayson DaBoi Johnson, Brandon (titleholder kneeling), Uncle Jaie, Jinx, ?.

Social Club, October 2023, Corazon Leather Contest,  From left: David Gutierrez, Michael DaBoi, Christian, Bear Marvin (titleholder), ?, Jayson DaBoi Johnson, Brandon (titleholder kneeling), Uncle Jaie, Jinx, ?.

Social Club, October 2024, Corazon Leather Contest,  From left: Christian, Lash Onyx (2023 titleholder), Candy Brown-Cardwell (winner), Tatra (winner), Brandon (2023 titleholder), Jinx.

Social Club, October 2024, Corazon Leather Contest,  From left: Christian, Lash Onyx (2023 titleholder), Candy Brown-Cardwell (winner), Tatra (winner), Brandon (2023 titleholder), Jinx.

Albuquerque Alibi, Carnal Carnevale, Logo
Albuquerque Alibi, Carnal Carnevale, Julian Addams Wolf


Alibi Fetish Events

Weekly Alibi was a newspaper and event producer as Alibi Fetish Events in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  Diva Marie ran the Alibi Fetish Ball for a few years with her live troupe "Crushed Velvet Rope."  Initial annual activities were organized under different event names and often held at The Launchpad (618 Central Ave SW), with discreet advertising to avoid attracting attention of conservative authorities that would obstruct events.  Police would often monitor and the fire department would count attendance.  Launchpad opened in 1997 as a live music venue and bar.


Julian Addams-Wolf produced the Carnal Carnevale Masquerade – a sophisticated event that allowed masked attendees to walk through many BDSM demos and fantasies while sipping a drink and having hors d’oeuvres.  This event, also known as the Alibi Fetish Ball, was held in January 2018 at 1512 1st Street event center and December 2017 at the Gertrude Zachary mansion.  These type of events helped build a bridge from the vanilla world, allowing those lost to find home and safe space in the leather and kink communities.  Weekly Alibi shut down publication in August 2020.

As a related even in February 2017, Julian produced an Alibi event “Kinky Curiosities” at Sister Bar “showing off some of Albuquerque’s biggest fantasies, fetishes, kinks and curiosities.” There were live performers and demonstrations “from leather to lace, from bondage to burlesque, from domination to drag queens.”  Performances, demos, and vendors included Femme Fatale Burlesque Cabaret, Perla Foxxx of Dirty Deeds Burlesque, Annie O’Roar, Albuquerque Leather Daddys, Albuquerque boys of Leather, Rip & Shawna, 2016 Corazón Leather Titleholders, Mistress Lexianna & Her toys, Sweeny Odd, VJ Lithochasm, Cabaret Audacity, and Joy Coy.


Sources: Julian Addams-Wolf, Internet on, Diva Marie (interview 22Sep24), on (2001-).

Patch, New Mexico Leather Bear 2019, Bear Marvin - Lash Onyx
Patch, New Mexico Leather Cub 2018, Andy Walden-Montoya


New Mexico Leather Bear/cub Contest

New Mexico Leather Bear / Leather Cub Contest was started and operated by the Albuquerque Leather Daddys, produced by member John Skelton.  Events were held primarily at Sidewinders Ranch location, 8900 Central SE, with some interviews at other locations.  Although there was some talk about continuing this event after the closing of the Albuquerque Leather Daddys in 2021, this contest has not been held again.




2018 - NM Bear (Bear Tim), NM Cub (Andy Walden-Montoya)

2019 - NM Bear (Bear Marvin, Lash Onyx), NM Cub (Joshua Lobato)

2020 - NM Bear (Brian Tuffnell), NM Cub (Chris Jones)


Sources: Albuquerque Leather Daddy members, contestants (interviews), on, Bear Mike.


Onyx Gear Night

Onyx Gear Night evolved from establishment of an Onyx Men of Color presence in Albuquerque by Lash Onyx (Bear Marvin) and Poppa Savant Onyx (Bear Mike) and an inaugural event, Onyx Black & White Fetish Ball in February 2020, just as the pandemic was becoming a reality.  It was a huge success with Onyx members from Texas also attending.  At this event, the community also became aware that the owners of Sidewinders Ranch had decided to move their event to 4200 Central Ave SE as Sidewinders S4200 Bar & Grill.  Therefore this was the last large event at Sidewinders.  It was not known at this first event that the ensuing pandemic shut down all public activity.


During the Pandemic, 2020-2021, to provide community cohesion, Onyx held virtual bar nights and other educational events on Zoom, which they did with other members of Onyx Lone Star.  â€‹â€‹


In the spring of 2021, the owners of Sidewinders asked Onyx to return to the bar for munches and eventually a Gear Night at on the 3rd Saturday of each month.  Munches were held in the Cabaret or general bar, supporting the bar's kitchen and staff.  They featured a short presentation surrounded by a lot of conversation and comradery. In February 2024, the talk theme was "Born Kinky - Discovering Kink, by Lash Onyx and Bear Mike.


Onyx have themed Gear Nights with demos and impromptu scenes.  They were first to bring back some of the feel of a hard cord leather bar by initiating X-/R+ "back room videos" on TVs inside sidewinders.  These videos showing BDSM, sex, sexy male persons of color, leatherdykes, trans, and other members of the community within the legal requirements in Albuquerque.  They also reprised the Black & White Fetish Ball as one of their monthly events.​​​​


Sources: Onyx, Bear Marvin (interviews), Bear Mike.

Poster, Black & White Feisth Ball February 2020, Onyx Lone Star, Albuquerque, New mexico
Poster Onyx Lone Star, Virtual Gear Night, August 2020
Poster, Kinky Paradise, Onyx Men of Color, ABQ Eagle, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 2022
Poster, Black & Whie Fetish Ball, Onyx Men of Color, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 2023
Munch Banner, Onyx Men of Color, Albuquerque New Mexico
Poster, ABQ Eagle, Sidewinders S4200 Bar & Grill, ABQ Eagle Leather & Kink Night, September 2021


ABQ Eagle Leather & Kink Night

As the pandemic subsided, owners of Sidewinders Bar & Grill wanted the Albuquerque Leather Daddys to return to the 1st Saturdays in 2021.  The Daddys decided to retire the organization then and suggested Sidewinders run their own leather event on that date.  The result was ABQ Eagle Leather & Kink Night, produced by several, but consolidating on Greg Boyd (Daddy boy Greg) as the primary producer.  Starting in September 2021, there has been significant evolution of this event that has different themes each month, primarily located in the Cabaret section of the facility.  A favorite is usually the tastings nights with multiple kink stations for attendees to explore.


Sources: Albuquerque Leather Daddys, Bear Mike, Greg Boyd.


Social Club Leather & Kink Night

In February 2022, Albuquerque Social Club started their Leather & Kink Night on the third Friday of each month, using the same name as the event already being held at Sidewinders.  The event was produced by Uncle Jaie (Jaie Davis), who was involved in the Court, drag community, and was pledging Onyx during the establishment of this event.  This event has evolved over time to focus more on the Kink and younger side of the community.  There is a central theme of dance party, but includes demos, periodic pup events, vendors.


Sources: Attendees,, Jaie Davis, Bear Mike.

Leather & Kink Night, Albuquerque Social Club, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Dyke Night ABQ, Social Club, Logo


Dyke Night ABQ - Social Club

Albuquerque Social Club started Dyke Night ABQ to bring the community back out for some fun, under management of Toni Maestas.  Events are typically on first Tuesdays.  They include a DJ, multiple vendors, bootblacks (usually Jayson DaBoi Johnson), and much conversation and dancing.


Sources: Attendees, Toni Maestas,, Bear Mike.

National & International Representatives

Those from New Mexico that venture out to national and international events are our representatives, bring awareness of our community cultures to others.  They also bring ideas and energy back to the community in New Mexico.  Some of those living in New Mexico bring back a title or other distinguished positions in the broader national and international communities.  We list those events and individuals here:



Our national and international titleholders not only put their energy into entering and participating in a local event, but do so at broader event venue, often competing with people from across the country or world.  There is no doubt they grow from this experience.  They also help us grow through the shared experience and what they bring back to New Mexico.



  • Mr. Southwest Drummer, Pat Sanchez

    • The Leather Journal Rocky Mountain Regional Award 1994 winner, Mr. Southwest Drummer 1991 and multi-office holder for the Motorcyclemen of New Mexico Pat Sanchez, Belen, NM.​

Pat Sanchez, Mr. Southwest Drummer 1991, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pat Sanchez, Mr. Southwest Drummer 1991, Albuquerque, New Mexico


  • International Ms Leather (IMsL), Cindy Bookout

    • Cindy is listed here due to her participation and influence in the New Mexico Leather community.  Anne Bergstedt won IMsL 1994 with Cindy Bookout as 1st Runner Up.  Bergstedt resigned 13 Sep 1994, and Cindy completed the 1994 title year.  Cindy was originally from Oklahoma City, but moved to NM sometime after title year, and eventually moved to Palm Springs.   Cindy was Ms. Oklahoma Leather 93, was certified by the Oklahoma Department of Health as an HIV counselor, tester. and HIV/ AIDS educator, judge at the Mr. Oklahoma Leather contest, and recipient of the 1993 Volunteer of the Year award from the Oklahoma Gay and Lesbian Awards. ​

    • This is a picture of Cindy Bookout:​

Cindy Bookout, IMsL 2024, and IMsL 2024 1st Runner Up who replaced Anne Bergstedt as original winner of IMsL 1994.


  • International Bear Cub, Dominick Zurlo

    • Dominick had the title for 1994-1995, from Bear Expo in San Francisco that became International Bear Rendezvous.  Dominick was also Mr NM Drummer 1994 and came in 2nd place in the Drummer Southwest competition that year.


  • International Ms Leather (IMsL), Pat Baille

    • Pat moved to Albuquerque in 1996-2008.  Her win at IMsL came from her earlier title, Ms San Jose Leather 1995, where she won IMsL 1995 in Chicago.  She was producer Rio Grande Leather in 2007 & 2008, President of Albuquerque Pride. She was founder of Leather Women United - Cross country on AOL, she worked awareness and data collection on women's health, voter registration, youth, and food drive.  Pat's wife Sharrin owned IMsL 2014-2019.

    • Picture of Pat Baillie, 2Jun1996 issue Leather/Levi LEXICON.

Pat Baillie, IMsL 1995-1996, from Leather Levi LEXICON, 2Jun1996, Vol 8, No 2



  • International Mr. Fantasy, Kevin Watson, supported by Sandia Leathermen/Leatherwomen.

    • See more information above on this page.​


  • American Leatherwoman, Leslie Anderson, suported by Sandia Leathermen/Leatherwoman.

    • A part of American Brotherhood Weekend that includes American Leatherwoman, American Leatherman, and American Leatherboy Contests, at, holding events since 1989.

American Brotherhood Weekend - Logo
1997 American Brotherhood Weekend, Leslie Anderson, 1997 American Leatherwoman, with Leatherman and Leatherboy


  • International Ms Bootblack, Leslie Anderson (1st title of this event).

    • Leslie Anderson was the inaugural International Ms Bootblack (IMsBB) in 1999, for the International Ms Leather and Bootblack (IMsLBB) organization​ that held IMsL titles since 1987.  Leslie entered using her American Leatherwoman 1997 title. See


  • International Ms Leather, Lori Ellison, supported by Ms. New Mexico Leather.

    • Lori Ellison, from Rio Rancho, NM, obtained the Ms. New Mexico Leather title from HPL Productions of Colorado, after the Sandia Leathermen/Leatherwormen shut down operations.  The International competition was in Omaha, NE.

    • From TLJ: "Lori Ellison also won the Sisterhood Award voted on by the contestants. The fantasy performed by Lori Ellison was as erotic as the come and involved a watermelon. Cost of set? Less than $3, value of fantasy? Priceless. The audience cheered raucously as she fisted the melon with one hand, then with both. It was wild."

2004 International Ms Leather, IMsL, Lori Ellison, 2004 Ms New Mexico Leather


  • International Mr. Leather, Tyler McCormick, supported by Rio Grande Leather.

    • Tyler was the first disabled and trans winner of IML in 2010.  He blazed a trail in that role, dealing with significant burden due to prejudice from some in the leather community, and transforming our culture for future generations.  He enabled significantly more community support for future generations of trans titleholders than he ever received.

Tyler McCormick, IML International Mr Leather 2010
Tyler McCormick, IML International Mr Leather 2010
Tyler McCormick, IML International Mr Leather 2010
  • International Ms. Bootblack, Jayson DaBoi Johnson

    • International Ms Leather and Bootblack (IMsLBB).  See

Distinguished Representatives:

Holding a title is not the only way to contribute nationally and internationally.  Holding distinguished positions and providing contributions outside of New Mexico are also important to our community.  These individuals are examples of those who provide the best of New Mexico to other places, and return experience back to New Mexico:


Dick Marleau (1933-1996)

  • Co-founder of Hijos del Sol and Motorcyclemen of NM.

  • Active in A.C.L.O.A.

  • Founding member of Albuquerque Social Club, board member.

  • AIDS fundraising activities.  Friend to many.


Leslie J. Anderson

  • Head bootblack for "Team Shine" at International Mr. Leather.

  • Leather Preservation Specialist, Leather Archives & Museum, Chicago.

  • 1998 Pantheon of Leather Award, Rocky Mountain Region.

  • 2000 Pantheon of Leather Award, Rocky Mountain Region.

  • 2015 Pantheon of Leather Award, Mr. Marcus Hernandez Lifetime Achievement.​​​


Pat Baillie

  • Pat moved to Albuquerque in 1996-2008. 

  • IMsL 1995-1996.

  • Producer Rio Grande Leather in 2007 & 2008.

  • President, Albuquerque Pride.

  • Founder of Leather Women United - Cross country on AOL.

  • Worked awareness and data collection on women's health, voter registration, youth, and food drive.  

  • Pat's wife Sharrin owned IMsL 2014-2019.


Sources for this section: Leslie Anderson, The Leather Journal, Internet,, Pat Baillie (interview 31Aug2024), 1994 IMsL Contest program guide, Leather/Levi LEXICON Vol VIII, Number 2, 2 June 1996. Richard Van Steenburg (interview  30Dec24),

Other Events

A Santa Fe event, "Friends of Dorothy," (2000-), happens periodically on Fridays ever few months, more often in the summer, an event started by Ian Johnson, originally from the UK.  It's focus is upon the gay community and their allies and does not focus on alternative lifestyles related to Leather and BDSM.  They rotate between venues, hotels, clubs, etc., and draw hundreds of attendees, usually featuring free hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar.  Attendance is usually around 150-300 people with a strong contingent of the lesbian community as well. 


Friends of Dorothy Albuquerque (2022-) started after the Pandemic, by Lucas Romero, because the Santa Fe event wasn't convenient or responsive to that city's needs.  It follows a similar format to the Santa Fe version, brining 75-200 attendees.


"Whips in the Park" has been a long-standing event often held in Roosevelt Park or other Albuquerque park that brings whip enthusiasts together.


There has been increasing adoption of leather and kink themes by different venues after the 2020 pandemic, somewhat mixed with burlesque entertainment.  A number of title events including Leather/Kink themes have been introduced at Sidewinders and Social Club as bar titles and also themes of drag shows.  For the purposes of this history, these are considered as being influenced by our community rather than within the community.  Examples:  Mr Ms Mx Kink Pageant (2023) @ Sidewinders by Melissa Brown.  Kinktopia (2023, 20204) - a leather/kink themed drag show at Albuquerque Social Club by Uncle Jaie.


Burlesque culture in New Mexico crosses into the alternative lifestyle communities.  Some of these include Acts of Enchantment, Albuquerque Burlesque by Unicorn Productions (2016-), Burlesque Noir, The New Mexico Burlesque Festival (2019-), Steph Sugar's Sandia Sugar Variety Shows & Burlesque.


Less frequent or large but notable events:

  • "Circus of Consent" - 2017 - Carnival-like weekend event with tastings, entertainment, at Sidewinders Ranch. organized by Daddy Bill.

  • "Leather Curious" - Monthly new topic discussions and demos for novices, held by Albuquerque Leather Daddys.

  • "Masters Academy BDSM" - 2019 - Multi-month skills education classes with graduation at NM Clubhouse, organized by Sir Magnum.

  • "Southwest Leather Fair - Route 69" - held by the Albuquerque Leather Daddys yearly, in April or May, included performances, vendors, demos, auctions, mini fetish contests, and game booths.


Note: The history compilation on this page is courtesy of and Copyright 2024, Domum Corium Cordis, House of Leather Heart.

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