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History of New Mexico Leather
& Alternative Communities

OverviewVenuesArtisans • GroupsEvents

History is a foundation that helps us approach the future with more understanding.  Awareness of history helps us realize not just what came before us, but also understand how things have changed, are changing, what was attempted, successes, struggles, and the great time had by many in alternative lifestyle communities.  It reminds us that time passes by quickly and to be sure to be kind as you travel through your journey through these alternative communities.


Public and private places we gather, meet, and socialize become some of our most safe spaces to explore alternative lifestyle communities, and help us through our journey.  Life is lived and memories are made here.  Those that operate these venues often put in their love and tears to keep them alive and grow them for us.  Many fade into the past, but memories of them remain.  If we do not encourage and support our venues, they disappear.  


While there are many venues each of us may call safe, we cannot list them all here.  These are the space that have been primary in the leather and alternative lifestyle communities of New Mexico.  Some of these spaces are businesses that have meeting space or strongly participate in our communities.  We realize that many more smaller places exist that may be just as important to those that have shared space with others. Some of these are too private to list here without permission.


The Heights

The Heights was a gay bar at 4021 Central NE, opening in 1971, about two years after the Stonewall riots (June 28, 1969).  It used a building previously occupied by Sno White Laundry & Dry Cleaning.  Heights would eventually become Albuquerque Social Club.  The back bar of The Heights was known for a time as "Depths," a men's bar, later replaced by "Rear Entry" which was not men-focused.  Additionally, the back area of this bar was, at times, set up as a large play space in the early years when it had a strong emphasis on men.


From Drummer Magazine Issue #23, July 1978:

Just a note regarding your very belated  listing of "The Depths" in Albuquerque, in Bar Scene of DRUMMER Issue 21.  Alas, it has been gone about two years now, and is nothin but a fond memory.  The location is now occupied by "Rear Entry," which is about as far from a leather bar you can get! It is a curiosity spot for straights to stare at the fluff that seem to make up a majority of the customers.  Although there is no strictly Leather/Western bar in Albuquerque, I would suggest Foxes at 8521 Central NE. It is more Western than Leather, a very friendly place, and the action is improving. Sunday afternoon in particular, can become very interesting! Keep up the good work.  R.S. Albuquerque, NM.


Sources: Community members, Drummer Issue #21, #23 (1978) ad for men's bar scene, article,

Albuqueruqe Social Club, before The Heights, as Sno white Laundry & Dry Cleaning


The Guild Cinema

The Guild Cinema is a small movie theater in Albuquerque's Nob Hill that is supportive of foreign films, alternative films, and alternative communities of New Mexico, located at 3405 Central Ave NE.  This cinema has moved through a number of owners and was on the verge of closing when it was acquired by local Albuquerque residents in 1998.  It was threatened by a national chain but survived.  In 2003, the cinema was transferred to it's next set of owners.  An extensive history is at  


One key cross-alternative-community showing at The Guild is the international Hump Film Festival produced since 2005 by Dan Savage, which features pansexual explorations of 16-23  sexual, alternative community, leather, and BDSM shorts.  Another showing across town is the Way OUT West Film Fest produced by CLOSET CINEMA,  an Albuquerque-based nonprofit organization dedicated to showcasing queer cinema in an attempt to highlight the richness of the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender experience. Way OUT West tends to show at theaters across Albuquerque.



Guild Cinema, Albuquerque, in August 2022. Photographer: David Simpson.

Guild Cinema, Albuquerque, in August 2022. Photographer: David Simpson.

Guild Cinema, Albuquerque, Hump Fillm Fest

A fun alternative community film festival shown at Guild Cinema, Albuquerque.

Foxes Booze N' Cruise Sign
Albuqueque Mining Company (AMC) and Foxes, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Foxes Booze N' Cruise
Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC)

Now closed, but located at 8521 Central Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM 87108,   many leather community events were held at this location.  Also known as Foxes Lounge, it was the start location for the 2nd Pride Parade in Albuquerque in 1977.   It was home bar to RISCLEE and offered drag pageants, pool tournaments and other events.  The location and sign were taken down about 2016-2018.   Other groups that used this bar for events include Hijos Del Sol, NMGRA, and Leather Wolves.  Foxes had DJs, live music, drag shows, and free chicken dinners on Sundays, despite not having a kitchen.


Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) and Foxes were collaborating in 2004-2006. Foxes was listed on AMC's website.  AMC was located at 7209 Central NE. "The Nines" (sign with 999) eventually became the Albuquerque Mining Co. It had a motorcycle hanging from the ceiling with a leather bar off to the side, and was frequently used by the biking and leather communities.  "AMC Pit Bar" was advertised as "ABQ's original Levi/Leather Bar" in the 1999 NM Leather Contest program book.


Sources: Internet, at  Leather organizations of the period - websites and writings, Weekly Alibi 10Jun2004, 1999 NM Leather Contest program book,

Foxes Booze N' Cruise inside bar

Foxes Booz N' Cruise

​Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) Leather Bar, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1991

Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) Leather Bar, 1991, MMNM Hot Air Run Event

Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) ad in NMGRA Nationals program, 2000, which was held in Albuquerque.
Foxes Booze 'n Cruise, ad in NMGRA Nationals program, 2000.
Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) Leather Bar, Exterior View.  Albuquerque, NM.

Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) Leather Bar, Exterior View.  Albuquerque, NM.

Albuquerque Mining Company (AMC) and Foxes Lounge ad in NMGRA Nationals program, 2000, which was held in Albuquerque.


Albuquerque Social Club

Originally "The Heights," Albuquerque Social Club is located at 4021 Central NE, in the Nob Hill and University area.   "The Heights" opened in 1971, about two years after the Stonewall riots (June 28, 1969). 


The back area of Social Club was, at times, set up as a large play space in the early years when it had a strong emphasis on men.  There are reports of the dungeon existing in 1996 that were used by men and women.


Soch has a long history of being involved in the leather and alternative community activities, as well as a strong focus on drag.  Well after the Pandemic, a "Leather & Kink" night was started, transitioning to a "Leather & Kink Dance Night."  Soch is a membership club, owned by the membership and a board.  Smoking was allowed there after public ordinances banned smoking in other public venues, but Soch transition to no-smoking after the 2020 Pandemic.


Sources: Community members, Internet, and, Sky Fiske (interview 1Sep2024), LA&M Archives.

Membership Card, Albuquerque Social Club, 1991
pep logo.jpg
pep crown 123.jpg
Nancy Miller 1.jpg
Blue PEPLove Header-no border.jpg


People Exchanging Power (PEP)

People Exchanging Power is both a venue and a set of groups.  See Groups for more information.  Nancy Ava Miller, M.Ed.m, CHt, founded People Exchanging Power (PEP) on Oct 16, 1986, beginning with several successful S&M support groups across the USA over several years.  Nancy turned this experience toward a business in 1988 after changes in her life.  This "phone sex" business that included power exchange and concepts of BDSM.  It expanded to the Internet in 1996.  The business invited its clients to explore their deepest desires with intelligent, loving people who understand they unique needs.  The counselors were based across the USA.  PEP held their Fifth Annual Fetish Conference and Sex Industry Seminars, an Intelligent B&D/S&M Fetish Event, December 4-7, 1998, in Albuquerque, NM.  It welcome all (male, female, single, couples, gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, TV/TS, fetishists, newcomers, and people in the Sex Biz).  The community celebrated a PEP birthday at the EvoRevo2, Sep 2011, event at Nancy's large mountain home with a BBQ and pool party.  Nancy founded PEP in Washington DC area in 1987.  She founded PEP in Arizona in 1988. (Drummer Magazine Issue #121).  Diva Marie worked for PEP for a period.


The business was sold to Sera Miles in 2016, with the current website listing services of "Phone Sex • Sexting • Cam • Erotic Emailing" and being established in 1990.  The URL is 


Drummer Magazine, Report, Issue #107, Aug 1987

"EXCHANGING POWER.  An S/M group called People Exchanging Power (PEP) was barred from the use of Common Bond, the lesbian and gay community center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Several members of the steering committee for the center felt that PEP's purpose was beyond the scope of the center's purpose, and so that group should not be allowed to use the center. Some of the objections centered on PEP's largely heterosexual membership. The steering committee was almost evenly split on the issue, but at present PEP will not be permitted to use the center."


  • Drummer Magazine, Leather Calendar, Issue #116, May 1988, listing of "Gay Men SM Rap - PEP"


Sources: Nancy Ava Miller (discussions), Nancy'stalk at AEL (2024), Book: "PERVERT: Notes from the Sexual Underground," Nancy Ava Miller, 2009, at (30Oct2011),, and on (1996-2024), Sera Miles (interview 19May24), Drummer Magazine Issue #107, #118, #121, Diva Marie (interview 22Sep24).

1979, 1989-

Albuquerque's Bootblack Stand

If only Albuquerque's Bootblack Stand could talk, this history and stories here would be much more robust.  Stories of adventure, triumph, sorrow, consoling, and love are held in this bootblack stand that has endured through the history of New Mexico's Leather and Alternative communities.  Some of them are captured here. It also is a testament to the love of it's guardians, the Bootblacks and facility owners.  Find this stand, sit in it and have your boots and other leathers cared for by our current bootblacks, relax, touch, talk, and take in the history of where you are sitting.

Albuquerque's Bootblack Stand, Great American Shoeshine Co, Phoenix
Manufacturing stamp from Albuquerque's Bootblack Stand
Business sign, The Great American Shoe Shine Co, Established 1979
Kinney Shoe Stores location approximating the store at 8900 Central Ave NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kinney Shoe Stores concept drawing showing the architecture of the buildings at the time.

This stand began its life in Albuquerque as a shoe shine stand in Kinney Shoe Store near Wyoming and Central, at 8900 Central Ave SE.  The building architecture was typical of Kinney Stores in the 60s to 80s.  As Kinney went out of business, these buildings were repurposed across the United States, and all stores were closed by 1998.  Kinney Shoe Store purchased the stand from Great American Shoeshine Co, in Phoenix, AZ, likely in 1979 or soon after.


In 1989, The Ranch, was established, taking ownership of the shoe shine stand that remained in the building.  JC Moore, who was one of the original owners of the Ranch, bought the stand along with the the bars' liquor license and he set it up there.  It took sometime before he hired Hank Wierzba from NM Gay Rodeo to work the stand.  Hank performed barber work during the day.  He worked on leather saddles and tack during rodeo season.  Hank Wierzba was a member of the square dancing group Wilde Bunch. He passed away 10 Jul 1996. <b> Hank was a mentor to Leslie Anderson, a native of Albuquerque and Bootblack there before moving to Chicago and the Leather Archives & Museum and  head of International Mr. Leather "Team Shine."  Hank, also heavily involved in the Gay Rodeo, died about 1996 of AIDS.  For a brief time, another man, CW, worked the stand.  However, CW left and Leslie was asked to work the stand by JC Moore and the bar manager, Gary Moore.  Leslie worked at that bootblack stand until they left for Chicago in 2005.  Gary Moore wrote Leslie a referral to Chuck Renslow and the obtained the bootblack job at Chicago Eagle.


Other bootblacks working this stand include:

  • ?-current - Jason DaBoi Johnson (he/him) who is also producer of the Corazón Leather Contest (2023-) and Official ABQ Eagle Bootblack, 2010 International Ms. Bootblack, 2004 Mr. New Mexico Leather, and 1997 Ms. NM Fantasy.​

  • ?-? - boi Danny (they), member of Albuquerque boys of Leather.

  • ?-? - Rowan (he)


Recollections about life in this stand:

  • Leslie Anderson recalls sitting, relaxing in the two-chair bootblack stand with Pat Sanchez in the early days of Motorcyclemen of New Mexico.  Pat projected that titles would eventually include "Ms" designations as the community evolved.

  • Actor Val Kilmer would ride his motorcycle to Albuquerque and The Ranch to sit for Leslie Anderson, the resident bootblack.  (Val had a house in the hills of Santa Fe starting in the early 1990s.)   There were 10-15 such visits by Val.  "He would just ask me things and I'd launch into a story. He'd laugh and soak it up."​


More information about Bootblacks is on the Artisans page of this history.


Sources: <a> Leslie Anderson (interviews), Bear Mike, Internet research, The Bootblack Stand itself,, <b>

Albuquerque's Bootblack Stand, Photo Op by others, 2014
Albuquerque's Boot Black Stand, Photo Op by others, 2013

The Bootblack Stand was used for many things, including photo opportunities for Drag performers during Khoi Le's ownership of Sidewinders.

Images 2013-2014.

Leslie Anderson at The Bootblack Stand, The Ranch, Albuquerque, NM.  Source: Leslie Anderson. Circa 1999-2000.

Leslie Anderson at The Bootblack Stand, The Ranch, Albuquerque, NM. ~1999-2000 <a>

Hank Wierzba from 1994 NMGRA gay rodeo history.  First bootblack at The Ranch, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Hank Wierzba, first bootblack at The Ranch, using The Bootblack Stand.  Hank was also in NMGRA serving as Treasurer for a time.

Hank Wierzba,  First bootblack at The Ranch, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
​Jayson DaBoi Johnson, bootblacking for Bear Mike at Onyx Gear Night, 15 Jun 2024, with JD and Wade from Gear Werks vending in the background.

Jayson DaBoi Johnson, bootblacking for Bear Mike at Onyx Gear Night, 15 Jun 2024, with JD and Wade from Gear Werks vending in the background.


The Ranch, ad in Drummer Magazine, Issue 150, 1991.

​The Ranch, Albuquerque, ad in IGRA Program Book, 1996.

The Ranch, ad in IGRA Program Book, 1996.

Sidewinders Ranch textual logo
Pin - Sidewinders Albuquerque New Mexico
Back page Rio Grande Leather 2007 program book, Sidewinders Ranch, Wolf Pack Leather Bar

Back page Rio Grande Leather 2007 program book.

Cops and Robbers food vending, inside Sidewinders Ranch, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 2007

Cops & Robbers, inside Sidewinders Ranch, 2007

Sidewinders Ranch, Cowboy mural on boards
Mr Sidewinders 2005, Sidewinders Ranch, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Mr. Sidewinders New Mexico, 2005.

1989-2008, 2011-2020

The Ranch - Sidewinders Ranch

Starting out as the "Ranch and Cuffs" in 1989, in a former Kinney Shoe Store, this bar was the location of many organization events, eventually known as "The Ranch"  located at 8900 Central Ave SE.  The Ranch was started by Don Donadario (a member of Motorcyclemen of New Mexico) a banker (VP at 1st National Bank) and his partner JC Moore (past professor Eastern NM University in Portales and rancher).   Don used his banking connections and JC Moore's significant financial resources to establish The Ranch.  Doug Larson, an eventual Sandia Leatherman, knew JC well (from the fairgrounds flea markets and bar) and helped refine the history of these events.  Doug Larson recalls the "Grand Opening" of the bar to be July 4th, 1990.  The building purchased was formerly a Kinney Shoe Store.  See more above about Albuquerque's Bootblack Stand (above).  This bar's large size included a dance floor, stage, and a back bar that was, at times, a leather bar.  The bar had plush carpet in many locations, the air smelled of raw wood from installation of the bar and other structures.  Its dance floor was the largest in Albuquerque at the time, and even brough many straight people to dance there.  The back leather bar was known by different names over time including originally "Cuff's Leather Bar," (1989-2002) and later "Wolves Den" or "Wolfpack Leather Bar" (~2007) <b>. The bar was usually packed with customers.  The Village People were hired to be in Albuquerque by JC in the early 1990s for a leather event.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Cuffs, A Gentleman's Leather Levi Club, 1991, during Motorcyclemen of NM, Hot Air '91 event.  Albuquerque, NM.

Cuffs, A Gentleman's Leather Levi Club, 1991, during Motorcyclemen of NM, Hot Air '91 event.  Albuquerque, NM. Picture from Dave Crawford.

Casey Newkirk and Carl Clack in Cuffs Bar inside Sidewinders Bar.

Casey Newkirk and Carl Clack inside Cuffs.  Picture from Leslie Anderson.

​​​About 1995, JC Moore moved to Tijuana, Mexico, likely for health reasons, and eventually to Phoenix where he passed away.  When JC left Albuquerque, his nephew, Gary Moore ran the bar.  Gary had the habit of banning many bar patrons with which he did not agree.  This eventually lead to smaller crowds and the bar not being sustainable.  Around this time there was a Dyke Bar inside on the front part of The Ranch, that lasted a short time due to insufficient community support.   A side bar called "SPURS" was established as an area with a quieter atmosphere about 1996. <a, c>


Another bar, "Sidewinders Bar" started in Palm Springs, CA about 2002, expanding to Albuquerque in acquiring The Ranch, renaming it Sidewinders Ranch.  The owner manager of both sites during this period was Mikey (cowboy hat), and Sidewinders Ranch manager was Dan (plaid shirt).  Their website at the time showed "Grand Opening Weekend" to be August 20-21, 2005.   The bar held multiple "bar titles" throughout its operation, including "Mr Sidewinders New Mexico."​​​​​​​​

Sidewinders Palm Springs, Logo, Button
Sidewinders, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Logo, Button
Mikey - Owner, Manager, of Sidewinders in Palm Springs and Albuquerque
Dan, Manger, Sidewinders Ranch Albuquerque, NM

Logo: Sidewinders Palm Springs, Logo: Sidewinders Albuquerque, Owner Mikey (cowboy hat), Manager - Dan (plaid shirt).

Because the building was large, it could accommodate other businesses.  A longstanding business within the bar was Gear Werks, run by JD Smith, a leathersmith with embroidery services.  Gear Werks moved around inside the bar.  When Mikey bought the bar, he had JD Smith rip out the Dyke Bar because of lack of use.  A short-lived business was Cops And Robbers, a sandwich shop, operated by Mike and Drew, that provided sandwiches, bar food, and more extensive food for major bar events.  Cops And Robbers lasted under two years.  Another food establishment, "Man Eaters" existed for about a year.

Gear Werks Store, in Sidewinders Ranch, button, hours
Cops And Robbers, Sandwich shop, inside Sidewinders Ranch, button, hours
Sidewinders Ranch, Gear Werks store sign, Albuquerque, NM

The website showed two locations until about 2007, when the website was established.  Sidewinders Ranch owner, Mikey, died accidently at home one night from alcohol poisoning, drinking too much at the bar. Dan shut down Sidewinders Ranch and moved back to Palm Springs.  The landlord of the property held items in the facility for years, preventing access to the community to retrieve them.  The leather community lost a gathering space upon this closing. The bar was closed about 2009-2011.​

Sidewinders Ranch animated logo, 2009-2010, Flash logo played by Ruffle, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Logo design by Rick Clark, 2009-2010, animated flash logo (Ruffle). Logo design by Rick Clark.

​​In 2011, Khoi Le, just 21 years old in partnership with his family bought the liquor license as an investment.  He had a a different business strategy, using the liquor license to revive the dead Sidewinders brand, and create an inclusive space.  Sidewinder's old (but still active) Facebook page holds many pictures of drag performances and some Leather events during this period.  Khoi removed the back leather bar, using the space for a drag queen dressing room.  Khoi later sold the bar because it was not profitable, also desiring to work on other businesses.

ABQ Eagle Logo, Albuquerque, NM, Sdiewinders Ranch and Sidewinders Bar & Grill

The final owners, Mike & Renato Estacio-Burdick, purchased Sidewinders Ranch (but not the liquor license) from Khoi, starting operation 10 January 2015 as "MR Entertainment LLC dba Sidewinders Bar and Grill."  They continued Drag and other events, but began restoring the back bar into leather bar with the Albuquerque Leather Daddys, eventually renaming it "ABQ Eagle." Bear Mike developed the ABQ Eagle logo.  For many years just before closing of this location, Rio Grande Leather, Albuquerque Leather Daddys, and others held gear Nights, educational events, and contests here.  Mike & Renato, arranged for the bar to move to 4200 Central SE (a former location of Martini Grill and other restaurants), a much smaller location February 2020, just before the onset of the Pandemic, effectively closing "The Ranch."  The old location still has the "Sidewinders" sign on the building but is now a dispensary.  The new location was named Sidewinders Bar & Grille, S4200 - see that venue below. 


Sources: Community members, Casey Newkirk (interview 14Jun24, +), JD Smith (discussions), Doug Larson (interview 20Jun24), Leslie Anderson (interviews), Khoi Le (textual interviews), Leather organizations, (2002-2012) (2006-2008), (2022-) on, <a> Drummer Magazine Issue #150 Sep 1991, 1997 IGRA Finals Rodeo Program - The Ranch ad, <b> Rio Grande Leather program guide 2007, <c> The Ranch add in 1996 NM Leather Contest program book.


Sisters & Brother's Bookstore
The Café Nextdoor

Sisters & Brothers Bookstore was founded in Albuquerque, NM as a gay and lesbian store in 1991 located at 4011 Silver SE in Albuquerque. "Bisexual" was added later to their focus.  Chris and Ruth, the third owners of this ongoing enterprise, revisioned the store to promote sexual, spiritual and political diversity in its myriad forms. They provided a wide range of alternative books, magazines, music, movies, cards and gifts.


The Café Next Door encouraged the sharing of community ideas, interests and just plain fun. The owners invited community organizations to use the Café space for meetings, seminars and special events.  Sandia Woman's Dinner and Sandia Leathermen used this space.


Sources: on (), reference from on



Pride Gym

Pride Gym opened in 1997 by David Bedford, former CFO of PNM.  It was located at 1803 3rd St NW in Albuquerque, described as a private men's health club with machine and free-weights, tanning beds, sauna, lockers, personal trainers and masseurs, and a clothing-optional sundeck with jacuzzi.  This venue was the location of many alternative community events including hosting the dungeon and other events for Desert Pandemonium 2004 that became Spring Pandemonium 2005, also at Pride Gym.  It was shut down likely due to multiple reasons. 


Some state that there were vanilla and normative community pressures and the property owner would not transfer lease to those who might continue the gym.  Some have talked about an investment scandal as being contributory to the closure of the gym.


Sources: Leslie Anderson (interviews), Casey Newkirk (interview 14Jun24, +), Doug Larson (interview 20Jun24), Matthew Christian (interview 30Aug24, +), References from various leather organizations, on (1999-2007).

Dave Bedford.jpg

Dave Bedford, at Cuffs inside The Ranch with the Motorcyclemen of New Mexico.


Stampede & Pipeline

Stampede billed itself as "Albuquerque's Premiere Country & Western Bar for Gay Men" opening November 1998 with a grand opening scheduled for 11-13 December.  The location was at 3208 San Mateo NE in Laramie Square, Albuquerque.  Pipeline was a "Levi Leather Latex Boots Uniform Bears etc. Bar" at the same location that had a separate private entrance.  Chip was the bartender and perhaps co-owner, who eventually moved to Albuquerque Mining Company.  A moderate dress code was enforced.  The owner was Seve Weardon, the producer of Rio Grade Leather and partner to Tyler McCormick.  The bars closed about August 2000. <a> <b>


Sources:!intro.htm, on 26Mar2006, at on 1Sep2000 <a>, <b>


#18 (play space)

#18 was located at a trailer park directly north of Paseo del Norte between 2nd and 4th Street NW.   This was a private play space (not a business) and dungeon set up by Moonlight Creations that was shared among 6-7 friends and acquaintances.  They knew where the hidden key was located.  If a car was parked next to the trailer, others in the group knew it was in use.  People using it would leave a gift of supplies to keep the trailer stocked and clean.  This space was shut down when Moonlight Creations searched and obtained a better property for Moonlight Creation business and the separate private play space.


Sources: Moonlight Creations - Michael & Cindy (interview 11Jul24 @ MC).

Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations
Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations
Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations
Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations
Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations
Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations
Moonlight Creations, Logo, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Vodago play space dungeon, Albuquerque, NM, Moonlight Creations


Vodago (play space)

Vodago, intended to mean "wood shed," was a follow-on private play space (not a business) after Moonlight Creation's (see ARTISANS) success with #18.   They found a great space that used to be a former painting company in a condo warehouse and sold the #18 trailer.  Starting out as a corner of an upstairs space, Vodago play space, located at the top of a spiral staircase, expanded with the artistry of Moonlight Creations and donations of solid wood from Wes (Lockwood) Greywolf's home remodeling effort.  Moonlight Creations built much of the furniture in this dungeon. Other areas of the building supported Moonlight Creation's work including a lower floor kitchen, various office spaces, and a workshop for  creation of toys and furniture. This space started out with connections and customers in the alternative community, such as Ruben Gallegos and Rex.  They were engaged with other Community players such as Major and Julian Addams, Steve Wearden, Wes GreyWolf, Sera Miles, Ms. B, and organizations like Leather Wolves, Sandia Leathermen & Leatherwomen, NMLL, NM Fetlifers,TNG, and Albuquerque Leather Daddys.   While many community events were smaller, Moonlight Creations did have a large event of about 180 persons that were in the facility and back yard area.  They also hosted other private events such as kinky birthday parties, weddings, anniversaries, and photoshoots.  With growth of attendance and admission of some that were less familiar with the community, issues arose that had Moonlight Creations pull back to only smaller events with trusted individuals.  The facility survived the 2020 Pandemic.


Sources: Moonlight Creations - Michael & Cindy (interview 11Jul24 @ MC)., Attendees.


Self Serve Toys

Self Serve Logo, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Self Serve Toys, Store Front, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Self Serve Toys, located at 112 Morningside Dr NE, is a sex-positive, health and education-focused adult shop that believes sex is healthy and pleasure is good for you.  Self Serve is more than a store, it holds many educational events and has been a center for the alternative lifestyle and BDSM communities in New Mexico.  In 2007 Self Serve was opened by co-owners Matie Fricker & Molly Adler.  Having taught sex ed to grown-ups and sold sex toys for several years, they realized it was high time they collaborated and created their own fabulous store, educating people, selling toys & safer sex supplies, teaching workshops and hosting toy parties.


Self Serve offers classes at its location as well as pre-recorded online classes, all for a fee to offset their costs.


Sources:, on



The New Mexico Clubhouse

The New Mexico Clubhouse, or just "The Clubhouse" was originally a swingers club located in a small warehouse space near Jefferson & Osuna, NE, owned by Joe, hosting swinger events.  Kink events were eventually introduced by Ty the Gentleman.  Needing more room, The Clubhouse moved to a larger facility in 2017 on Hawkins NE.  It hosted many bedroom spaces, a dance and entertainment area, loft, and eventually included a dungeon.  Dungeon protocols and monitoring were headed by Ty the Gentleman. Expanding from swingers, this location hosted multiple leather events (educational, weekend-long, play parties) held by NMLL, Leather Daddys, and others.  It's website indicated it was "lifestyle club for alternative lifestylers including Swingers, Kinksters, & Fetlifers."  Business was not viable over the 2020 Pandemic, and this location closed down.  The owner eventually reestablished this business as "It's a Secret."


The Clubhouse was one of the first heavily attended events that explored the mix of swinger and BDSM/Leather communities.  There was pushback from both sides, which is not surprising because it occurs across the USA then and now.  Ty attempted to help create a harmonious culture at the facility.


Sources: Members, Ty the Gentleman (interview 25Aug2024), attendees. on

ORG - S4200.png
ABQ Eagle Logo
Sidewinders Bar & Grill, S4200, ABQ Eagle, 4200 Central Ave SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Sidwinders Bar & Grill, S4200

Sidewinders owners, Michael & Renato Estacio-Burdick, had planned to move Sidewinders from 8900 Central Ave SE February 2020, planning to reopen in the new location in March.  This was the location of former "Martini Grill" and other businesses.  Martini Grill was owned by those who established the Pulse gay bar in Albuquerque. The new name was Sidewinders Bar & Grill, S4200, located at 4200 Central Ave SE, not far from Albuquerque Social Club.  Then the Pandemic hit and the State of NM shut down bars on March 16th unless they served food.  Mike & Renato had to close or open a kitchen, so they used their life savings to purchase a full kitchen and restaurant equipment in order to reopen.  To enable profitability, Mike & Renato also had four "ghost kitchens" vending food to stay afloat during the pandemic.  A ghost kitchen is a virtual business that sells food from the same physical kitchen. Post-pandemic opening was about July 2021.  The bar of Sidewinders retained the name ABQ Eagle, from the Sidewinders Ranch location.  The Cabaret was on the east end and had a small stage installed for drag, munches, and as a kink demo area. 


Albuquerque Leather Daddys decided to shut down after the pandemic, and suggested Sidewinders hold their own Leather & Kink Nights, which it did, under the coordination of Greg Boyd through 2024, including a fundraising and replacement of a St. Andrews Cross and spanking bench in Jan 2025.   Russ Downs and Kevin Burgess started running these events in Feb 2025.  Onyx Men of Color starting holding their Gear Night there on the 3rd Saturday after moving from Sidewinders Ranch location.  Multiple leather and alternative community organizations have used this location including Albuquerque Erotic Lifestyles (AEL), Duke City Pups and Handlers (Duke City PAH).  The location is host to many events including pageants, drag, and karaoke.


Sources: Michael Estacio-Burdick (interviews), Renato Estacio-Burdick (discussions), Community members,,


It's a Secret

Established by Joe and Jaz, owners of "The New Mexico Clubhouse" after the Pandemic, this swinger and BDSM club business is located in Edgewood, NM, east of Albuquerque with multiple play rooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and decks.  Website focus shows a primarily heterosexual and pan vibe.


Sources:, members.

sign spectrum.png


Spectrum Parties

Spectrum Parties started out as a membership swinger club in the home of its founders, Cecil and Ana, eventually transitioning to a warehouse facility near Jefferson & Osuna, NE.  It is one entity in Wired Events business that uses this facility.  They report over 1500 locals that are involved and active.  The facility features over 11 themed play areas, a dungeon, viewing area, dance floor. From their logo, this is an inclusive operation, but Spectrum Parties caters primarily to the straight and pan communities.  They started exploring LGBTQ events in 2024 through Free Spirit Fiestas.


Sources: Cecil & Ana (discussions),, members, Fetlife: SpectrumParties.


Purgatory Dungeon Studios

Purgatory is a private members only club and business.  It is operated by Mistress Glow, the facility Pro-Dom, as part of Wired Events.  The space includes a primary dungeon and viewing area. There are many themed spaces that are available for use by Mistress Glow to rent to other pro-doms, couples, or groups, including these rooms: medical, interrogation, sisification, leather daddy, and several others.  This shares space with Spectrum Parties, so has larger space available.


Sources: Cecil & Ana (discusions),, members, Fetlife: Purgatory.

ORG - Purgatory.png


Free Spirit Fiestas

Free Spirit Fiestas is a private membership organization and business that originally used the same space as Spectrum Parties.  It was started at the suggestion of Bear Mike to Wired Events when another men's naturist event activity was uncertain to move forward. This organization is focused on men's socials and organized by Ryan.  It is currently relocating to new facilities.


Sources:  Ryan (discussions), members,, Fetlife: FreeSpiritFestas.

Other Venues

Pansexual events can more often easily occur in public spaces due to the normative culture.  We don't specifically identify such event venues here so as to not draw attention that we meet there.


Newsroom was open as early as 1967 at 7th & Central, sometimes known as The Pit, a dive bar.  Okie Joe's was near Newsroom, one block east from the Franciscan Hotel, an early cruising spot for gay men.   Upstairs was a bar along the old Route 66, an after-hours club that featured drag queen performers.  Crickets was a private club for women, owned and operated by a Native American woman in the suburban area of the North East Heights of Albuquerque, eventually known as a working-class Latina Bar, and included drag.  Rusty Cork (also known as Corky's) was at San Mateo and I40 primarily with lesbian patrons, particularly known as the Wrinkle Room because older lesbians frequented this bar. Deja Vu at 4100 Central was a lesbian bar with mixed crowd on Wednesdays, would eventually become the location of Pulse Night Club/Blu [2004-2007, 2013-?,, 4100 Central], across the street from Social Club.​​

Launchpad [1997-] is a live music venue and event space that has been utilized by the Leather, Kink, and Alternative communities for various events over the years.  Located at 618 Central Ave SW in Albuquerque, its primary activity is entertainment via live band performance and a bar.   However, Alibi Fetish events and burlesque activity has been held here. <c> <d> <e>?​​


Logo, Historical, Launchpad 618 Central Ave SW Albuquerque, NM 87102
Logo, Current, Launchpad 618 Central Ave SW Albuquerque, NM 87102

​​​Other past gay bars in Albuquerque include The Coffee Shop (4501 Central), Adam's Den, Champagne Taste,  Exhale [lesiban bar, 6132 4th St. NW,, 2004-2011], Downtown Newsroom, Gulp and Graze, Legends [6132 4th NW], Limelight, Okie Joes, Pacers, Pelican Bar, Ranch and Cuffs (Sidewinders), RS Express, 8300 Club, R&S Express at 4214 Central became Climax Bar, Voyager's Bar & Grill, Empire Bar, Lotus Nightclub (alternative, 2016), Evolution (downtown, 2016).


Straight or Pan kinky bars are a different matter as they typically blend in with other normative bars and are carefully used due to concern for discretion and outing.  Those used in Albuquerque have included Stone Face Tavern [8201 San Pedro Dr NE].  Albuquerque Press Club was, at times, location of "The Wet Munch" for the straight/pan community of Albuquerque. 


Wild Side, at 1504-A Wyoming NE, advertised whips, chains, leather, herbal X and purple haze in the 1996 NM Leather Contest program.  Adult Video Club including 2nd St News & Video, Pussycat Video, advertised in 1996 NM Leather Contest guide and many stores exist today.  The Leather Shoppe at 4217 Central NE was associated with the Adult Video Club and also in the 1996 to 1999 NM Leather Contest guides.  Stomps & Threads (1999-2014) sold erotic shoes, boots, fetish/club wear, and had various locations including 3601-A San Mateo NE and 4001-C  San Mateo NE.  It was run by J&C.  Upon starting, they supported the BDSM community, gradually becoming more vanilla over time.​​

Stomps & Threads, Albuquerque, New Mexico


Carraro's & Joe's Place was a dive bar with many back bar and pool playing space, including kitchen that served the straight community, but also welcomed Leather events of Albuquerque Boys of Leather and Albuquerque Leather Daddys - usually in their back bar area.  It was located in the UNM area at 108 Vassar Dr SE, Albuquerque.



​Gay bars in Santa Fe, now closed, include Cargo Club, The ChaseClaude's Bar [1950s-1970s], Drama Club, The Paramount, Rouge Cat [?-2014], and The Blue Rooster [2014-2015].  There are currently no gay or leather bars in Santa Fe.  


Sources for this section: at on 1Sep2000 <a>, <b>, on 26Mar2006, Dr PJ Sedillo (interview 20Sep24), on Internet and <c>, <d>, Diva Marie (interview 22Sep24) <e>, on (1999-2014), Television documentary "The Whistle" The fascinating story of a secret code created by and shared among young lesbians in 1970s & 80s Albuquerque - PBS Aired 04/21/2022.


Note: The history compilation on this page is courtesy of and Copyright 2024, 2025 Domum Corium Cordis, House of Leather Heart.

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